Surya Keo Singh Laghari


Basic Info


Surya Keo Singh Laghari

Name Meaning

Surya - A Hindi sun deity's name which translates to "sun"; Keo Singh - A Laotian nickname meaning "Crystal Lion"; Laghari - A Hindi surname taken from a tribe in Baluchistan, I couldn't actually find a meaning...


Appears to be 18-25 years old





Precious Gemstone

Dragon Breath Fire Opal

Mist Ability

Standard poison/healing (But it seems to be able to cover a lot more area than most)

Favourite Meat

Veal, beef, red meats

Personality Highlights

Cocky | Arrogant | Narcissistic | Ambitious | Vain | Prideful | God/Superiority Complex | Avoids Responsibility | Flakey | Romantic (poetic, metaphorical, jovial) | Leisurely | Sophisticated | Elegant | Refined | Enjoys Luxury | Mature in survival situations | Possibly childish at times | Dependent on Azari


Lawful Neutral (Bordering evil)


Former Prince | Wanderer (seeks to claim a new kingdom for himself)


Fighter - Eldrich Knight


[Coming Soon]


Azari's charge and prince, Indra's love interest


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



Surya was once a proud prince of the Mosaic race in Lato. He is guarded by a galatier knight named Azari who carefully watches over him. The prince was forced to flee his homeland around the time he was scheduled to take the crown and formally become the ruler of the kingdom when his people were attacked by humans. It was here that he discovered the wormhole that led to Estaol.

When Surya accidentally stumbled through the wormhole that leds from Lato to Estaol through some unknown means, Azari followed after him. The two had a lot of difficulty in adapting to the harsh new environment since they were ill prepared for the cold. The difference in the warm climates of Lato and the frigid temperatures of Estaol nearly killed the prince as they tried to seek out shelter from an on coming blizzard. To make matters worse a *Remorhaze followed after the two and tried to kill them, badly injuring Surya in the process. They managed to get away but, Azari was forced to drag Surya into a nearby cave to try and save the prince from freezing to death and try to nurse his wounds.

The two huddled together for warmth, having enough supplies to start a small fire and an attempt at smoke signals. Little did the two know that they were sharing shelter with a fierce *Blight Dragon. When some of the smoke made its way to the back of the cave, it awakened the Blight Dragon from a decade long nap. As the creature finally revealed itself, Azari readied himself to defend the already weakened prince. Like clockwork the Remorhaze popped out of the snow at the foot of the entrance to the cave. The Blight Dragon took this as an invasion of his territory and considering the Remorhaze as the bigger threat (literally), began to fight the beast. Azari decided to take up sword against the Remorhaze as well since it had been the first to harass him and the prince and he figured the odds were better with a dragon's aid to defeat it. The Remorhaze was quite strong though and put up a near impossible struggle for the Blight Dragon and Azari. Perhaps due to his slumber the dragon had been groggy, but either way both managed to kill the Remorhaze. They were both on the verge of death, however. At first Azari thought he was hearing things but when he looked to the Blight Dragon it was making eye contact with him.

"Make a pact with me." The beast demanded in the knight's head. It growled loudly enough to rouse movement from the wincing prince. "Make a pact with me, or we shall all die here." It warned before flapping its giant wings. Azari seemed perplexed by the creature's eagerness, not understanding the meaning behind this pact business. "I will lend you my power in return." With that said, Azari looked to the prince and then to the dragon and nodded. They both shared each other's blood and the pact was sealed. Azari lost his eyesight in exchange for the Blight Dragon's eternal companionship, but both of them had become stronger in ways neither could have imagined possible. The Blight Dragon told Azari his name was Leshem and that he would aid the knight now in whatever way he needed as their lives were now entwined. Azari put the prince and himself on Leshem's back and the three took off for the nearest city to mend Surya and get more suitable clothing and equipment to better survive in this new world called Estaol.

After a few years had passed from his event and they came across The Crystal Tower, the two learned of some disheartening news. After they had told the inhabitants of their situation it was revealed that the Mosaics of Lato were all killed in the incident and that if Surya returned he would be homeless. With this startling news he decided to try and take his own kingdom to reclaim his status as a prince, his sights set on the Desian empire where he felt that he blended in the most.