Honora Dempsey



8 years, 9 months ago



Name Honora Dempsey
Age & D.o.B. 16 y/o, June 7
Build [info]
Height 163cm (approx. 5'4")
Species Human
Origin Ireland
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Student
Personality Serious
Enneagram -
Design Notes

  • She has two blue hair clips in her hair.

Clear-headed | Resourceful || Authoritarian || Presumptuous | Haughty


  • Every summer, she tends to stay inside as long as the sun is out, or, when she absolutely has to be outside, be completely covered in sun screen. This is because she gets sunburned fairly easily. She has nothing against the heat, though. However, it can be a bit too much with fourty degrees celsius.
    • Because of this, she's usually very pale in her skin compared to others, who continues their regular rutines despite the scorching sun.

All the King's Horses [Karmina]

Moved from Ireland to America when she was 4 years old. (TBA)

She was born in (???), Ireland. However, her family moved to London by the time she turned 1. There, she grew up as a single child with parents busy with their jobs. Because of their busy schedule, they would often be too tied up to take propper care of Honora, so they hired a nanny to take care of her after kindergarden during the weekdays. Having grown up with this, Honora got used to the abscence of her parents, but seeing the other kids in the kindergarden being picked up by their parents and not her, did leave her with a heavy heart some days. There wasn't anything wrong with her nanny; on the contrary, Honora had plenty of fond memories with her. It was because of her nanny that she grew a fondness of classical music and the piano! But she wasn't her mother.

Half-way through her first year of school, her parents told her of an job opportunity, which would require them to move across the sea to the US. At first, Honora was opposed to the very idea of moving - why would they want to move away from their home?! She became more at ease with the idea of moving when her parents explained the situation for her, but she still didn't like it. That summer, she and her parents packed their stuff, and made the long trip over to their new home in Craydon, Michigan.

When they then went around the town, taking what was to be their everyday sights, Honora stumbled upon someone. Quite literally. A few bruises aside, the two introduced themselves to each other, which was the start of Honora's friendship with Marieyna. In the years following, the two would spent most of their time together, either playing pretend, investigating "mysterious" places in town, and when school started up, studying together. They grew an unshakeable friendship, a bond.

When the two didn't spend time together, and Honora didn't have piano lessons, Honora would sometimes join one of her parents during their jobs (mostly her father, as her mother would oftentimes be performing surgery, which they didn't want to showcase to a child), in their attempt to repair any broken bonds between them that might have grown due to their abscence during her childhood, as well as teach Honora more of life and what to expect when she became an adult. She wasn't allowed to do much during her visits, as they both worked at the hospital, but she did learn much about both their work, and the fragility of life, by seeing what happened around her. During one of these visits, when she was around 10 years old, she met one of the patients, an elderly woman who had fallen down some stairs in her home. (TBA)


  • Classical music
  • Playing the piano

  • content

Charisma 60%
Kindness 40%
Temper 75%
Integrity 80%
Courage 60%
Humor 35%
Attack 30%
Defense 25%
Magic 0%
Resistance 20%
Speed 40%
Stamina 30%
Appeal 50%
Confidence 70%
Intellect 75%
Manners 80%
Optimism 30%
Luck 40%

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Sadie Lambert | relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Marieyna Rendón Del Bosque | relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.