Fahri Özdemir



2 years, 30 days ago



Fahri "Fahreddin" Özdemir is a 37-year-old military officer, holding the rank of Colonel, and currently commanding the second regiment. His country is presently engaged in a war with a neighboring nation, which has provided the opportunity for Fahri to ascend quickly to his present position at the relatively young age of 35.

As an Infantry Officer, Fahri is entrusted with the critical responsibility of leading Infantry Soldiers at the regiment level of command and combined armed forces during missions on the ground. This involves assessing the situation and leading attack, defense, and other operations as necessary.

Apart from his military duties, Fahri is also known for his role in the labor camp as a mastermind and as one of the elites who orchestrated the purge of military members.

Fahri was born on October 27 in Saudi Arabia to a Turkish father and an Arabian mother.

The full story is here.


Fahri is a physically imposing individual, standing at an impressive height of 190 cm. He has a muscular build, complemented by a pair of striking green eyes and brown skin. Although he was born with black hair, it naturally turned gray at a young age. His hair is typically cut short, with a small fringe left on the forehead. Notably, Fahri has two gray earrings in his right ear and always wears his favorite watch.

Despite his striking appearance, Fahri is known to exude a stern and intimidating presence, seldom displaying a smile or outward warmth.


Fahri is a mentally strong and dedicated individual, known for his assertiveness, effectiveness, and ability to complete all tasks assigned by his superiors to a high standard. He is unwavering in his loyalty to his country and possesses an unrelenting work ethic. If Fahri has a goal in mind, he will pursue it tirelessly until it is achieved. Additionally, Fahri is known to be strict in adhering to rules and greatly values those who demonstrate patience and commitment.

Fahri's commanding presence inspires both fear and respect among his subordinates. He is known to be an exacting taskmaster who demands heavy physical and mental training from his troops, despite the perception of it being cruel. However, these efforts have paid dividends, as evidenced by Fahri's regiment being recognized as one of the best in successfully repelling the enemy with minimal casualties.


Ronald van den Berg

Ronald is an individual who holds a special place in Fahri's heart. They share similar personalities and ideas, and Fahri has taken on the role of mentor to Ronald. Fahri has imparted a range of knowledge and skills to Ronald, including combat tactics, leadership principles, and even advice on winning the affections of a woman.

While they may appear to be strangers to each other in public, the truth is that Fahri holds a position of authority over Ronald. In fact, Fahri was responsible for directing Ronald to the fourth regiment on suspicions of rebellion against the government. Despite this difficult decision, Fahri remains a strong influence in Ronald's life and values their connection deeply.

Artur Alizade

Artur holds a special place in Fahri's affections, with the two sharing a keen interest in the study of human anatomy and history. They also share a common religion and frequently engage in discussions on religious topics.

Fahri, however, assigned Artur the task of torturing political prisoners on his behalf, as he was unwilling to carry out such actions himself. Despite the questionable nature of the task assigned to Artur, Fahri remains proud of both Artur and his another favorite child for their contributions to their country, even if it involves such unsavory tasks.

James Zhang

James is both a rival and partner to Fahri within the military. Despite their shared occupation, the two hold views that often clash with one another, leading to significant tension between the two.

In order to further his own ambitions of achieving the rank of Brigadier General, Fahri deemed it necessary to remove James from the equation. To that end, he directed Ronald and Artur to carry out espionage activities within the fourth regiment, with the understanding that James would be removed from his position if deemed necessary by the government.

While the rivalry between Fahri and James remains unresolved, Fahri's efforts to advance his career demonstrate the highly competitive nature of military culture and the lengths to which individuals may go in order to secure their own success.


Fahri enjoys spending his afternoons indulging in leisurely activities such as sipping iced tea, delving into books, and observing young soldiers engage in athletic pursuits. He is also an aficionado of music and proficient at playing various musical instruments. During his tranquil moments, he and James engage in wholesome activities such as stargazing with telescopes and sharing details about each other's lives, including James' optimism for the war to conclude soon.

However, Fahri is known to harbor disdain for having his opinions disregarded and is intolerant towards unprofessional soldiers, including James. His attitude has become increasingly dictatorial over time.


Because I Said So: Stubbornness and absolute words. He feels higher (yes indeed, he is a Colonel) so his words should not be denied.

Colonel Kilgore: He actually enjoys war. Likes the sensation of adrenaline, and seems bored when the war is over.

Drill Sergeant Nasty: He did it all so that his subordinates were ready to fight at any time and face any conditions. And the method worked well.

Glory Hound: Winning battles was everything and he would go to any lengths to achieve it. Every now and then when he was bored at the table, he would come down to lead his own men.

Grumpy Old Man: He isn't that old, but he complained a lot and got angry.

Like Father, Like Son: Ronald and Artur ended up being just like him.

Mean Boss: Just ask Fahri's subordinates how he treats unprofessional soldiers.

Sir Swears-a-Lot: It felt like an impossible thing, to spend a day without seeing Fahri angry and swearing.