


1 year, 9 months ago




Name Laurence Hudson
Nicknames Laur; Gay Boy (Max only)
Birthday April 27th, Taurus
Age ≈ 27
Gender Cis Man (he/him)
Sexuality Gay
Occupation Bassist/Backup Vocalist in Glitter Sticker
Race White (British)


  • loyal
  • down to earth
  • "secretly" messy af



  • mythology
  • chokers
  • Max


  • the band's name
  • being squeamish
  • rain messing with his hair


Laurence is the bassist in the band Glitter Sticker! He didn't pick the name but he couldn't think of a better one, either. The band formed in the UK with him Max, and Percy, +1 guitarist who later left the band. Luckily they meet Donnie to become the new guitarist after they move to America!
Laurence is kinda the strong silent type of the bunch, but don't worry, he's just as much of a disaster as the others.


Laurence is big and tall. He has long blonde hair and strong eyebrows, sideburns and a goatee. He has a big broken nose, a septum piercing, and both ears pierced. His style is mostly black and leather, and big chokers are a must.
He has finger tattoos that read GAY★ ★BOY on his right and left fist respectively. He has an ouroboros on his upper right arm and 1312 on his left wrist.



Laurence is an only child raised by his stoic single father. His mother died when he was very young and he only vaguely remembers her. He's not quite sure if he has memories of these moments or has just seen the photos of them together a million times. His father loves him but is also worried about him from time to time, though he has trouble expressing that as you can expect from an aloof older single father. Not stictly traditional, but knowing Laur's grandparents are, he doesn't want his son to rock the boat. He's a little appalled that he tattooed Gay Boy on his knuckles. Not because he's gay, he just doesn't want his son to become an obvious target for harassment.


Laurence grew up in a townhouse with his father, and quickly became friends with the boy next door, Max. Max was a shy little boy around his age, and was clingy to his two dads. The boys got to know each other enough for Max to get comfortable around Laurence though, as both their parents would often count on each other for babysitting. They essentially grow up together and become best friends, they go to school together, join the same football team, and are always running to and from each others houses. Laurence is always standing up for Max before he gets his own voice (though now that he's found it he has never shut up, to this day). When Max comes out at school, Laurence is often stepping into fights between the bullies and his friend. This inspires Laurence's first tattoo, the Gay Boy on his fists, to let the bullies know hey fuck off actually I'm gay and still winning all these fights so don't try any shit with me or my friend.

In later years of school, Laurence befriends Percy, a nerdy and fun band kid, just a real weirdo of a friend that he loved to hang out with while Max was branching out more.


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Friendly Rude
Affectionate Standoffish
Clever Foolish
Funny Serious
Careful Reckless
Optimistic Pessimistic
  • while Laurence spends essentially no time at all on his makeup, he takes a very long time perfecting his hair
  • always has hairties with him just in case but he literally hates having to tie his hair back
  • he got his Gay Boy tattoo pretty young, much to his fathers chagrin
  • hates the tattoo healing process and he said he wouldn't get anymore tattoos... buuuuut he can't resist cool shit on his skin so..
  • biggest stoner of the group
    hashtag dont talk to me until I've had my morning bong



Max   [ bandmate boyfriend ]


Laurence would die for Max, Laurence would kill for Max, Laurence got his nose broken for Max! He also wishes Max would learn when to shut his damn mouth for once (affectionate) ... But theres also the dramas.. Their relationship gets a little shaken sometimes, but they're strong enough to build it back up.


Percy   [ bandmate roommate ]


Roommates ... and maybe more! The calm and steady one, which Laurence appreciates.


Donnie   [ bandmate newbie ]


They get along with each other, but Donnie's a bit secretive and cautious still so Laurence keeps it casual with him.