


1 year, 2 months ago



Name Basil


Age 23

height 183

birthday 23rd April, 2179 (1988)

Occupation music producer, dealer

originally created in 2015

general info

Dark, gloomy and mysterious lad. Always sticks alone, never collabs with anyone and is perfectly fine with having no friends. No one likes Basil and Basil likes no one. He's known for trolling everyone online and criticizing other artists with burning passion. He's truly horrible in social media, but in reality he's actually a calm and reserved person. He's the one with the toughest past. Loves Easter and his Grandma - she's the only person who has ever cared about him, even though she almost became deaf after she heard his music. Often visits Grandma in her little house in the forest. His approach changes a lot after he suddenly finds wounded Armin in the same forest, where he's the only person to help him.

a bunch of fun facts

- Basil is much richer than anyone could expect. He sells the best stuff 🍄
- Basil claims himself as a satanist, but he still visits the church with his beloved Grandma when she asks him to do so
- He has a lot of dark secrets, with the darkest one being the fact that he murdered his parents at young age - no one knows about it, even the Grandma
- He has a black bunny named Belzebub
- Basil typez liek ths
- Despite being an edm artist, he secretly likes metal music and plans to create a band called The Bunnies of Satan
- His favorite animal is penguin
- Very passionate about painting easter eggs
- He curses everytime in the internet, while in reality he never does it
- Clowns scare him
- Used the banana peel in his crime
- He was abused in school, but had pretty good grades. He had a childhood friend who eventually left him for other cooler kids, what mainly started his trust issues
- As a kid Basil wanted to become a dentist
- Sleeps with a bunny plushie
- No one knows where Basil actually lives


Everyone is afraid of Basil, but Armin is not. They met for the first  time in a very unusual and unexpected situation, when Basil was obliged  to save injured Armin. Despite their contrastic personalities, from that  time they are friends. It's noticeable that Armin acts a bit  differently when he is around him (more serious, more dark, more tendency to trolling everyone). Basil wouldn't admit it, but he secretly wishes for getting a bit closer to him. He is very intrigued about Armin's intergalactic problem and would like to help him with it in some way.

Hazel is absolutely scared of Basil and would rather die than meet him face to face ** Basil actually is not as scary as he looks (and as some of his actions suggest). Basil is horrible, but only online.

Unlike most of the group, Emil doesn't  find Basil really creepy, but he rather avoids having any kind of  contacts with him and sees him as a lame coward. It eventually changes a  bit and Emil even feels sorry for him.

Elliot had been buying the shrooms from Basil since long time and he never knew that it was actually Basil. It was a surprise for him, as the dealer was acting nice, while Basil is known for being such a mean beach. He thinks that he could ask Basil to start a business with him, but for now he's still a bit too afraid of him.

Charlie is one of the persons who think Basil is scary and doesn't ever want to meet him face to face, When they had to perform in one stage, he prefered to stay in bed and pretend to be sick. After the situation with Basil and Armin happens, Charlie seems to be a bit jealous about Armin befriending Basil, but he's thankful to him for saving his bro.

Basil's parents were just bad people, they abused him and never loved him, so someday when he was still a young teen he just decided to get rid of them and take all their money. No one has ever discovered this.
Grandma Irene is Basil's only family member and she really cares about him, even though there are a few things she dislikes about her grandchild. He often visits her and helps her as much as he can. When asked about his relations with grandma, Basil answered that he does it only because he waits for her death, hoping for getting her inheritance, but that's not true, he really loves Grandma. He even made a track named Ode To Ma Gramma, isn't it a true prove of love? Grandma always used to cheer him up when his parents were acting terrible and she still supports him, however, she doesn't know a lot dark facts about him. Despite Grandma being a typical loving grandma, she actually is kinda ironical and often emphasizes that he's such a lonely loser.