Jerrik Arvydian



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Jerrik Arvydian (Yerr-ik Ar-vi-dee-an)




Draconen Veira Twiva




Ecquinox demon hunter





Significant Other

Heath Arnyx (lover/boyfriend...?)

Creation Year

Acquired in 2018


Larimareth (half-sister), his parents are both from Fjora, probably has more half-siblings on his father's side


Fjora - Drayconess

Current Home

Ecquinox - Drayconess


Physical Appearance

  • Long silver/light gray hair with a slight blue tint, typically worn with framing bangs and the rest in a ponytail that trails to his mid-back
  • Icy blue eyes
  • Fair skinned
  • Somewhat tall in height
  • Physically fit with a well muscled, athletic build
  • Numerous scars all over body, most notably on his left cheek, right arm, and chest/abdomen
  • Slightly pointed ears, but they are usually covered by his hair
Dragon form design TBD.

Clothing Style

Jerrik's primary outfit includes a black long-sleeved bolero-like top that leaves his chest and abdomen area exposed. The area around the neck/collar is covered in black fur like an attached scarf, and the ends of the sleeves are dark blue. He typically keeps his left sleeve rolled up short, and he also wears short black gloves with rectangular cutouts on the back of the hands. He wears cloth wrappings around his wrists, but only the one on his left arm is visible since his right sleeve is typically rolled down. He also wears black pants and black leather knee high boots.

His armor pieces include a silver shoulder plates with blue cloth lining the underside and hanging slightly down below the plates like epaulets. He also wears silver knee guards, and flexible leg-guards from his knee plates to his mid thigh. The leg-guards have more rigid silver lining along the tops with more flexible white material below the silver, and he wears two blue leather belts to hold the sheaths for his bladed weapons: one around his hips and the other across his chest and over his left shoulder. The sheath on his back also has an additional black strap that goes across his lower chest.

For more casual situations, his outfits tend to have a similar style except without the armor pieces. He doesn't frequently wear shirts, mostly because he doesn't get cold due to his ice dragon heritage, and he tends to stick to similar colors of black, blue, and silver. While on missions with his flight, he will wear a shirt and chest armor to protect himself sufficiently, but he doesn't necessarily like it.


Jerrik is a fierce and intense demon hunter with an arrogant attitude, thinking himself greater than others due to his heritage. He takes his abilities in combat and weaponry very seriously, and there's nothing he enjoys more than besting others with his honed skills. He can at times be unpleasant to speak with or be around since he is often boastful and condescending or dismissive of those "beneath him," but there's no doubt that he takes his responsibilities seriously and is reliable on the battlefield. He is capable of being cooperative and supportive in combat even if he isn't fond of those he's working with, and he won't compromise a mission for the sake of his own ego. He is passionate and relentless in pursuing his goals and always works to get what he wants, yet this can also make him a rather aggressive and uncompromising person around people who don't cooperate with him. He has a firm respect for those who are established to be his authority figures, and he is stubborn in following orders and assignments given to him. People on his level or beneath his authority tend to get intimidated into following his lead or submitting to his will. He's always blunt with his words and often rude with how brutally he can phrase things, but at the very least he can always be relied on to be honest, since his pride is too great for him to resort to being deceitful.

Jerrik tends to work best either on his own (either entirely alone or with only Larimareth) or only with hunters he deems on equal level or above him. When plans are running smoothly or when he's left to his own devices, he simmers down a lot more and tends to be rather quiet and aloof. He's adept at handling the wilderness and relying on his senses to guide him, and if even he were to encounter someone "beneath" him, as long as they were cooperative enough, he would be a reliable ally in guiding them both through adversity. He tends to think rather highly of himself and has a short temper, so staying on his good side is probably the best way to not be exposed to his elitist and abrasive side. For the most part he looks out for himself and only is cooperative for the sake of missions or the bigger picture, but when off duty one shouldn't expect him to be sympathetic or helpful in any sense. He does, however, treat those who benefit him or Larimareth with their work, such as the non-hunter workers around the compound, with sufficient respect. Despite the fact that he views himself above most others around him, he does not believe in treating the laypeople disrespectfully if their work is necessary to keep things running smoothly. He tends to be more mellow around low-level workers around the compound simply because he's observed a lot of the other hunters try to use their standing as an excuse to treat them poorly, and Jerrik tends to only direct his elitism toward other hunters that should theoretically have the same skill set as him rather than other workers with differing expertise.


  • Iyce rifting - rank 3/5
  • Shapeshifting - dragon
  • Skilled in melee combat, particularly with light bladed weapons
    • His personal weapons are a shortsword with a wide blade and a similarly styled but thinner-bladed dagger
  • Skilled at dragon-riding and combat in flight
  • Immune to cold due to his ice dragon blood


  • Confident, fierce, and dauntless
  • Focused, relentless, and thorough
  • Observant, resourceful, sensing, and instinctual
  • Assertive, honest, and quick witted


  • Arrogant, elitist, and dismissive of those "lesser" than him
  • Aggressive, controlling, and always wants to have things his way
  • Opportunistic, overly blunt/harsh in his speech, selfish, and short tempered
  • Sensitive to extreme heat and isn't very good at reading other people's emotions or expressing his own more complicated feelings


Jerrik's mother was a member a native tribe settled in the frigid mountains of Fjora, Drayconess. The most valued tradition of the tribe was to provide tribute to the ice dragons that lived among the peaks of the mountain range, and like everyone else, his mother was taught the ritual of preparing the tribute and arranging it at a shrine that lay halfway between their village and the closest dragon lair. The tribute would ensure they would maintain favor with these ice dragons and they would be watched over and protected from invaders or natural disasters on the mountains. Apparently his mother encountered one of the elusive dragons while setting out the tribute, which was highly unusual since the dragons tended to wait until the tribe members left before accepting. She never fully elaborated on her motivations, but she disappeared into the mountains for almost a year before she returned to the tribe with a child. It has been established that this child, named Jerrik, was hers and had the blood of a pure blooded dragon of the Fjora mountains. The other members of the tribe still allowed her back to resume her life, but she was treated as a deviant and disgrace for crossing that societal line and mingling with the dragons, whom they viewed as sacred and beyond their worthiness.

Jerrik on the other hand seemed capable of doing whatever he wanted while growing up among the tribe, and few members dared to cross him. His mother made it clear to him that he had "sacred blood" in his veins from his father, and he asserted his "nobility" among the tribe at the threat of calling down his father's wrath upon them. Jerrik never actually knew if his father would actually do anything or was even watching over them specifically from the mountain peaks, but he enjoyed acting like he knew his father would punish those who slighted him or his mother. This seemed to lessen the public discrimination against his mother, particularly in his teenage years. He physically trained himself while growing up to be a warrior, both to defend the tribe and also to eventually brave the mountains to seek out his dragon kin and potentially his father. Apparently when he finally did visit the dragons, he was charged with the responsibility of seeking out one of their missing kin, an ice dragon named Eisa. According to them, Eisa had left the mountain years ago with another member of the native tribe, and they were currently in a "war" against a "plague across Drayconess." Jerrik was accompanied by another dragon of the mountain, Larimareth, who was his half-sister from their father, and the two travel out to a place called Ecquinox where Eisa had been since her disappearance.

It was here that Jerrik learned that this "plague" was actually the increased presence of demons spreading all across the land. Eisa and her companion from Fjora's native tribe, a woman named Merete, had traveled to Ecquinox by chance and had trained here with the other demon hunters to combat the demonic spread for over two decades. Jerrik and Larimareth decided they should join their cause as well, mostly because it seemed the only way to potentially appease the dragons of the mountain and to convince Eisa to return was to end this war against the demons. The two gradually worked their way up to fully fledged demon hunters over the years, and the pair has been a part of the hunter general's personal flight with the other elite hunters for several years now.


  • I picked out the name Jerrik by browsing various Norwegian male name lists and picked this one because it sounded cool, and I thought the apparently meaning (forever king, or eternal ruler) fit his personality and high opinion of himself.
    • Arvydian was made by playing around with the name Arvid, which was also a name found while browsing the same name lists.
  • The only reason he was made to be part ice dragon is because there had to be a reason why this nerd is out in a blizzard without a shirt on. That boy is gonna freeze his nips off if he don't bundle up, but I guess if he's an ice dragon then he can be immune to cold. So that's his excuse.
    • Merete frequently tells him to wear a shirt or put on more clothes while throwing clothing or blankets over him. Normally he'd be irritated by this, but since she's a more senior hunter than him, he just deals with it.
  • His dragon/half-sister, Larimareth, was named after the gemstone Larimar. I found it just by searching for "blue gemstones," and I imagine this is the color her scales would be.
    • He and Larimareth get along rather well, and she's probably his closest friend since he's not that friendly to others in general.
    • Jerrik's dragon form is somewhat similar to how Larimareth looks in terms of scale color and general biological traits, but Jerrik's dragon form is much smaller and resembles more of an older-adolescent drake rather than a matured dragon, since he is still quite young comparatively.
  • Jerrik and Heath are in a relationship of sorts, although it's under the radar, and Jerrik wouldn't call Heath his boyfriend or whatever. Heath's reputation around the compound paints him as a lowly peon at the bottom of the social ladder, so they keep their relationship secret to not bring "shame" to Jerrik's reputation.
    • When push comes to shove though, Jerrik would jump to Heath's defense if anyone else harassed or threatened him. Heath is pretty out of the way in the stables though and tends to get ignored or dismissed by most of the other hunters, so he doesn't usually run into too many issues. Jerrik will typically indirectly come to his defense if needed though, often citing that Heath takes excellent care of his dragon and should be treated fairly for his service to all the hunters' dragons.
    • He also doesn't really get why Heath is treated so poorly by most of the demon hunters, especially when he takes such good care of all their dragons. After learning that he's "branded" as an outcast because of the actions of his parents, Jerrik only winds up getting closer with Heath since he's familiar with his own tribe members trying to make his mother an outcast as well.
  • Larimareth picked up that Jerrik had a liking for Heath before he made any kind of advances, which she sometimes teases him about. Jerrik was rather in denial about it, considering Heath's low social standing and the implications it would have on his own reputation, but Larimareth eventually convinced him to attempt their relationship, even if it has become a secretive one.
  • He and Larimareth used to refer to each other as “brother” and “sister” in an ironic way, but now the habit has stuck and they tend to do so without thinking about it.
    • It started when Lari would annoy Jerrik by referring to him as her “little brother,” both because he is younger than her and also physically smaller. Jerrik in turn would sarcastically refer to her as things like “sister dearest.” Eventually they stopped using the adjectives and just call each other that out of habit.
  • Since he is part ice-dragon, he is a little sensitive to heat. He can typically handle being around fire dragons or fire breath for short periods of time, but extended to exposure to excessive heat will weaken him and slow down his movements and reaction time. Further exposure may drain his energy entirely or cause him to either become too weak to move or pass out entirely.
  • Although Jerrik is capable of shifting into a dragon form, he is not very well practiced with it, and the shapeshifting can be a little bit slow and uncomfortable, sometimes even painful, for him. He tends to avoid it if possible.
    • He burns through a lot of energy in his dragon form, so he either has to keep himself well fed or is simply unable to maintain the form for very long. It’s a better option for him to turn back before he gets to that point, since forcing himself to the point where his energy runs out or even beyond his limit may cause him injury.
  • Since Jerrik has more direct dragon blood in him from his father, he is affected by the Surgings that occur on Drayconess. He was 12 years old the first time he experienced the Surgings effects on him, and he has little memory of the incident.
    • According to the members of his Fjora tribe, he became very aggressive and shifted into his dragon form. Fortunately he was a relatively small dragon due to his young age and was near the edge of the village, and he only ended up damaging one small structure while in his erratic state before fleeing into the mountains. 
    • Several hours later he woke up somewhere on the mountain range, face down in the snow as a blizzard raged around him from the other Iyce dragons affected by the Surgings. The Surgings continued to affect him for several more hours, but he was too physically spent to be forced back into his dragon form and passed in and out of consciousness until the Surgings finally stopped.
    • Jerrik doesn’t remember how he got back to the village, but the villagers told him they found him at the tribute shrine. It’s likely he was found by the Iyce dragons and deposited there by them.
    • He was actually unaware he could even turn into a dragon at all up until this event. Although he's tried to practice using this form since then, he still has a lot of trouble managing it, both due to the difficulty and potentially because of trauma from the Surgings.
  • Has given Heath a number of his shirts as gifts, claiming it's because Heath doesn't have a lot of clothes to begin with, but it's also because Jerrik rarely wears shirts at all and figures Heath could get better use out of them.
    • He has also gifted Heath one of his metal hair cuffs, which is silver with blue stones, to help him keep his messy hair out of his face while working. It's one of Heath's most treasured possessions now.
  • Jerrik sometimes invites Heath to his room for intimacy, although they tend to be discreet about Heath going through the elite hunters' wing of the living quarters.
    • The typical excuse for going to see Jerrik is to bring him any of Larimareth's shed scales. Jerrik claims they're valuable to him for certain "rituals" done by his village, but honestly it's just a bullshit excuse for Heath to use if anyone questions him why he has any business even speaking with Jerrik in the first place.
    • The only ones who seem to be on to their arrangement besides the dragons that Heath works with are Merete, who is typically neutral and polite to Heath whenever she sees him passing through, and Rath, since Heath talks to him frequently. Jerrik has a sense that Merete is aware of things, but he tends to deny it if she ever suggests anything.
  • Jerrik is very dominant in the bedroom and would not tolerate being submissive in any sense. It's probably a good thing that Heath is much too timid and passive, so Jerrik's assertiveness is helpful in getting him to be more comfortable with intimacy.
    • He can be a little rough with his lovers, but he tries to be gentle with Heath when needed. Heath doesn't particularly mind if Jerrik is rough with him, but he appreciates how gentle he is when their intimacy doesn't involve sex.
    • Jerrik knows he's a little cold most of the time just because he's part-ice dragon, so he tries to make sure he doesn't make Heath too cold if they're cuddling, especially if the weather is already cold. When it's warm though, Heath finds him to be acceptably cool to the touch.
    • Jerrik tends to bundle Heath up in blankets if they're sleeping together and it's too cold to cuddle directly.
  • Jerrik tends to encourage Heath to take it more easy and not let the other stable workers force him into working so hard. He's especially good at convincing Heath to take more breaks by coaxing him into spending more time with him.
    • He always invites Heath to use anything in his room when he visits, like sleeping in a nice bed or using his shower or other hygienic supplies since Heath isn't given access to these things normally.
  • Is very protective of his mother and will confront anyone who disrespects her. He grew up seeing the other natives of Fjora treat his mother with disdain for her “inappropriate relationship” with an ice dragon, and he would always become aggressive toward anyone who slighted her. He tended to use his authority as one with ice dragon blood to intimidate others out of bothering her any further, and as a child he would commonly threaten to bring in his father to punish those who dishonored his mother, even though he didn’t actually know if his father would even acknowledge them. As he got older though, he became plenty dangerous on his own that he didn’t need to threaten others with anything other than his own wrath.