


6 years, 1 month ago


Age 19
Height 5'7" / 171cm
Gender Female
Born in Erfael



Rubidium is effective, violent and utterly incapable of laughing at a joke. Ornamentation is a waste of space, and work is better done without embellishment. This is often belied by her dress sense, which normally includes the ceremonial attire in which she performs her duties. The singular exception to this rule, Rubidium does care for her appearance: she believes proper self-presentation at work to be respectful unto Ihir, and is never seen with hair or garments out of place.

Rubidium trains relentlessly when she isn't at work; her harsh demeanour can frighten those who are familiar with nothing but the fact that she guards the temple and never smiles. Getting to know her better...does not generally change this impression. The only people whom she draws close to are the ones she seeks out herself: friends forged by shared trials and loyalty even through crisis. She enjoys few indulgences beyond the rare morning stroll.

Sentiment means little to her, not as much as getting work done and doing what she is told to do. She is always on time and harsh upon herself to follow rules to the letter. The deeply contrasting influences of her parents and her superior Thallium have deeply confused her about interpersonal relationships; she is still growing out of the paranoia and misgivings that her childhood instilled in her, and doesn't quite trust others nor open up to them.


Rubidium came from the slums of Anodia. Her parents were never particularly fond of each other, or of her, and when they weren't ignoring her they were mistreating her as if she were a servant.

This earned the concern and worry of her kindly neighbour Thallium, then a priest of the church of Erfael. At one point in her childhood, Rubidium fled home and he took her in, becoming her counsellor and confidante until she finally dared return to her home of her own accord. He continued to shelter her when she needed the safety.

Eventually learning of this arrangement, her parents became ashamed that the eyes of Ihir Himself had watched their misdeed, and they gave up her custody to the man. Six years later, Thallium was christened as the archbishop of Erfael, and took to living full-time by the cathedral. Believing that she owed her life to Thallium's, and Ihir's, mercy, she chose to follow him into the life of a devotee, becoming an altar server and working night shifts as a guard.

Thallium Thallium is Rubidium's dearest friend, the one who offered her a proper home during the darkest years of her life, and led her to her chosen vocation. She continues to believe she owes him a debt she can never repay, and partly sees her doing her duty at the cathedral as repayment for his kindness.
Cobalt Cobalt is the child of a wealthy merchant, and an individual who has taken interest in Rubidium over several visits to the cathedral of Erfael. She does not take his kindness lightly, but she is concerned that should his interests prove to be romantic as they appear, she will have to disappoint him: her devotion to the religion, and the oath of celibacy she swore, far overpowers any interest she may have in him.
Chlorine Chlorine, the cathedral's chief housekeeper, has become a rather familiar sight after hours on the cathedral premises. Her fussiness and her never-ending litany of complaints about the things she finds on the church pews rather entertain Rubidium, and they have grown close talking .
  • Rubidium is, of course, the metal used in the colouration of red and purple fireworks, a fact upon which her colour scheme is based. As per her membership in group 1, she has a ruthless and often insensitive personality, and bonds primarily with highly electronegative species especially halides.
  • Rubidium's favoured weapon is a whip with three tails. Most believe it is decorative, but she is extremely skilled with it, and it serves mainly to immobilise the foe and wound superficially.