Ess Somil



6 years, 9 days ago


Ess Somil

Name Ess Somil
Nicknames/Aliases N/A
Pronouns He/Him
Age 23
D.o.B May 5th
Green Green
Sexuality Aspec
Species Reptilian
Resides Cliffside
Occupation Studying Pedologist


I'm just the recon guy... For the lawsuit... About the dirt....

Ess Somil is a star student and up and coming wunderkind in the soil science world. Unfortunately, he's also deathly afraid of confrontation and would sooner plan an entire stealth mission than ask for permission to enter a restricted, or even a regular civilian area.

He is extremely good at what he does- including tresspassing without being caught- and so has been stationed on study leave, to gain some field experience before returning to education for the rest of his Masters-going-on-PhD.

... Said field experience being an investigation into whether or not a government funded scientific endeavor dumped chemical waste in the areas surrounding Cliffside, an ocean-side town. Which would not be great, and would probably be cause for legal action, should it be true.

Luckily for Ess' trajectory as a published researcher, it seems like not only were they dumping chemical waste, but biochemical waste! What a discovery! Anyway, oh god, this is so much worse than anticipated. This is going to be such a bloody legal battle. Imagine the stress...


Ess comes from the mainland, having moved to New Orpidian for university, as it has the world's leading soil scientists and pedologists stationed as lecturers.

Their university and (former) university digs are on the complete opposite side of the country to Cliffside, approximately a 6 hour drive in usual traffic. Having to move residences again so soon after finally getting used to university was uniquely stressful for him.

Has a peanut allergy, but doesn't know it.

Acutely aware that grass contains silica.

Loves bananas, hates citrus fruits. Surprisingly, the exception here is lemons. They're fine with lemons.

Classpect: Sylph of Light
Lunar Sway: Prospit
True Zodiac: Tauripo (Student)

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