Labyrinthine Boss



6 years, 9 days ago


Labyrinthine Boss

Name Labyrinthine Nexus Boss
Nicknames/Aliases N/A
Pronouns She/Her
Age 55
D.o.B December 14th
Blood Red
Sexuality Straight?
Species Feline
Resides Varmonte
Occupation Wife


« She did not relax in sleep, or receive the darkness, her cares redoubled, and passion, alive once more, raged, and she swelled with a great tide of anger »

Long suffering wife of Cobalt Boss, the two don’t actually interact much. He’s much, much too busy. To most of the world, she is a trophy wife. Pretty, uh, pretty, pretty… And pretty. And not much else. Pretty tall, though.

She hasn’t made many public appearances as of late, and last time she did she seemed to be losing her hair due to the stress, poor thing! You always have to wonder how she and her son are doing.

Anyway, those working at the company have seen her around. It seems she actually has a managerial role. Unclear if it’s just something to keep her quiet, but she sure is looking pretty bald. She’s mostly seen down by the medicinal side of R&D, and actually was the one to instate the facility so close to home.

A few employees say that she actually seems to know what she’s on about in terms of biology on occasion, though her appearances to them are infrequent and usually just consist of requests for various equipment and materials. Presumably, she’s just the assistant to one of the more important chemists, which is a shame, really, how a bright woman like herself could end up like this. Imagine where she’d be with a university education…


Married to Cobalt in the same breath as her family’s much smaller company was subsumed by his corporation. It’s like medieval fiefdoms, but with capitalism.

Barely known to the general public, having had no cause for celebrity. She is simply the daughter of a wealthy businessman.

Asking about her to Tabitha generally elicits a shrug. Neither have spoken in years, and he, when pressed, views her as benign and harmless, albeit just as distant as his father.

Classpect: Mage of Hope
Lunar Sway: Derse
True Zodiac: Sagirius (Bardic)

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