



  • First Mayor of the town
  • Very on top of what she does
  • Not gonna let anything slip
  • Really good at history, business, and management 
  • Not the best at science though
  • A little bossy
  • She tries not to be, she’s just… Really into what she does
  • Wants to help people
  • Loves her family to death
  • Enjoys hearing about her mom and dad’s adventures
  • Particularly the goofy stuff her dad did
  • Used to drag herself all over the library reading and explore
  • Very protective of her siblings and the town
  • A mild interest in magic, but not too much
  • Lives in a big fishbowl inside the mayor’s office
  • They legit just used magic to make it big enough for her
  • It has neon pebbles, fake plants, and a pineapple for a house (you know the one)
  • She likes to swim around town, very in touch with the people and the problems they face
  • Not exactly friendly to outsiders until she knows they are good people and not here to rat out of the city and get it sacked
  • Cautious of her dad’s coworkers
  • Respects them tho
  • Vegetarian 
  • Every legal document must be waterproof. Or else.
  • Sometimes goes into rages when frustrated
  • She’s trying to learn to curb her anger, but it’s difficult
  • Calms down by hiding inside the castle in her bowl
  • Or she goes back to the library, finds her dad, and they swim silently together around the island until she’s tired
  • Goes to her mom a lot for advice
  • Considering taking a trip to find and make friends with her grandparents, uncles and aunts
  • It’s not easy though, a lot of people rely on her, so she doesn’t know when the time to do so will come
  • Amused by the statues of her parents
  • Has to hold back laughter whenever tourists come in and see it and are amazed
  • When she knows her parents are goofy and do stupid stuff all the time
  • Hates it when people judge her for her age
  • Ate fish flakes when she was younger for a dare
  • Not actually a good swimmer
  • Frustrated that she's the weakest link of the family
  • Doesn't interact too much with her siblings, and was very independent like Paloma
  • She quickly left the nest and went out of the library


- With her dad, she visits for advice on how to win a war if they must fight

- As well as who she can talk to with the pirates

- She usually negotiates with the pirates through her father

- She very much appreciates his job, but at the same time, is kinda disgusted

- Although she'll do anything to protect her island, she isn't a fan of bloodshed

- Her dad tried to teach her to swim and get her to work out when she was younger, but it just didn't happen

- As an adult, Juno will ask him for advice and schedules to work out while doing other things so she can be stronger

- He hangs out with her at the fishbowl sometimes

- When he's retireed, she makes a point to visit often and talk about all the things she has done

- Trying to make him proud n all


- She visits her mom often for advice

- Due to the fact her mom is the one that has a lot of experience with people, due to guiding them and all

- Particularly for political advice, but sometimes it's with other issues at home, like what to do with people who are disagreeing

- She reads at the library, usually with books about political topics, but when she has free time she talks and debates about certain fiction books with her

- Juno enjoys these moments most

- Sometimes she's kinda confused with her, because her mom is strong, but also has many weak points in her mental armor 

- As an adult, she doesn't get to visit much, but when she does it's very long and drawn out

- Usually two days, one for her and one for her dad

- When she's much older, she ends up making a section for the library on how to be a political figure and how to do it properly


- They are very close, and tell each other almost everything

- Not interested in magic too much, but she entertains her sister enough

- She knows she should learn magic to protect herself, but she doesn't really care

- She vents to her a lot, and she is the second person she goes too when she's mad

- She ends up turning to her sister more than her dad later on

- Angrily swimming in circles while screaming

- Her sister has become her grounding rock, and she appreciates that

- They swim together in her fish bowl

- The pineapple has a compartment up above with air

- So Celia can swim in then go up there for air

- They talk about more private things up there

- Either important politics or family issues

- She loves hearing about what her sister has found and how it can be helpful to the island

Talise (Sib)

- A little bit worried, but not much, as she is the sibling she doesn't connect well with

- Sometimes people give Juno things as payment for being the mayor, so she usually buys gems and gives it to her sib

- Disapproves of her clinging to their father

- But after the few brief interactions, where she tried to talk sense, she just gave up

- Likes to hear about her sister's adventures though

- She's jealous that Talise can swim better than her, but not enough to be spiteful or cruel

- Has contemplated telling Talise that they need someone who can be their ambassador to other countries, due to Talise being a better swimmer, and since she wants a purpose as well as attention, she'd find a great spotlight in the town and across the world

- But she's not sure how that would affect her sister's ego or mental state, so she says silent while she thinks about how to tell her

- She likes to listen what she has to say

- She doesn't like the fact that she butts head often with their mother, but she knows they can work it out, and she can't help. After all, most people won't listen if they don't want to hear anything but validation.

Paloma (Sib)

- Glad that she's found her own niche and has a similar drive

- Relates to her about this passion that has caused rifts in their family

- Likes that she's a good leader

- Sometimes will ask her about advice on some politics

- And lowkey tells her to sac places

- She will ask where to go if she needs some research done and Celia is busy

- Writes letters to her a lot

- Trusts that her sib will be fine on the sea's 

- She's kinda sad that she doesn't know much about her sib

- Lowkey tells her who has disrespected their fam

- "You're the muscle and I'm the ears"