


8 months, 15 days ago

















The leader and one of three original founders of the Cloven; it was her brainchild. Obviously.

Her head wings hang low and resemble ears, and her two halos resemble piercings on each one

Her familiar is named Disarray and is pretty much an actual cryptid. It's mostly mute, but can make a variety of unique sounds, including bits and pieces of Morse code. Freyja seems to be the only one who can interpret it, at least to some extent

Her head wings wiggle when she's flustered or happy, and her tail wags like a dog's

Often wraps herself in her wings when sleeping

Has near constant bedhead, which certainly isn't helped by her hat

Short and cute as she may be, she's a feisty little gremlin

She insists on being called "Catastrophe" by most others, and only allows close friends to use her real name or Frey as a nickname

She's close with quite a few vampels within the Cloven, but Loki is her clear favorite. However, he still frequently irritates her

Her authority is respected around the Cloven for the most part, though admittedly less so by said friends (looks at Loki)

Her ears, though typically hidden by her hair, are pierced

Autistic, but on the opposite side of the spectrum from Rubix. Aka Evil Autism

Playful and childish, but easily frustrated and has a nasty little temper on her; moody and easily influenced by her environment

Known for having an "iron jaw"; once she is latched on, she is NOT coming off

Despite her moodiness and temper, she's a good mediator in conflict she's not directly involved in and usually takes charge in sorting out her coven's bad blood

As an authority figure, she does her best to mask her moodiness among the general populace, so her close friends are usually the ones to see the...less respectable side of her

She's prone to tantrums and violent fits when especially upset, and is known to lock herself in rooms to avoid causing harm to others or her surroundings

She goes absolutely feral during meals, utilizing it as an outlet for her emotional volatility as well as her actual hunger. She often goes overkill and gets too into the aspect of mindless bloodshed, which ultimately has some of her fellow vampels concerned and fearful of her. She doesn't even actually eat that much, and usually leaves an unnecessary mess

Disarray has fantastic memory and organization, so she usually brings it out to serve as a sort of inventory or information gatherer

She's close with Rubix and does her best to take care of him, which often includes telling Loki off for harassing him

Tugging/pulling on her tail makes her instantly and insanely pissed unless you're Loki, in which case she'll just be mildly irritated

Naturally distrustful and takes a bit to truly warm up to people, even if she's outwardly civil with others regardless. She's heavily averse to showing any weakness or vulnerability outside of close friends

When comfortable and trusting of someone, she likes being carried/held

She is frequently assumed to be a male at first glance due to the general lack of female vampels and her androgynous appearance. She doesn't really care until people start making it a Thing



Freyja and Loki are best friends! They've known each other the longest out of all the vampels within the Cloven, with Loki being one of the three original founders alongside Freyja herself. They're extremely close, and Freyja visibly favors him despite getting continually annoyed by his antics. While their relationship has only ever been platonic, it would be a lie to say her feelings regarding him don't border on the suppressed romantic.

Believe it or not, Freyja somehow considers Malachiel a friend, even after he lowkey kidnapped her and tried to hold her hostage as a newfound pet of sorts. It's probably at least partially her inexperience with this type of attention and situation, admittedly, and she likes the way he dotes on her even if she doesn't care to admit it. Regardless of this, she finds his condescending nature and desire for control annoying and infuriating, and she's constantly battling it when they're together.