Joshua L. Wilson (Joshua Woodsoul)



6 years, 10 months ago


The character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


Name Joshua Woodsoul
Called Joshy
Age 24
Gender Male
Height 173 cm
Origin SeofĂșn / Sanctum of the Seven Hills
Race Half-elf
Role Fire control Magic


A human choosing a different path than his family, looking for the mysteries found in front of him rather than what is found on the battlefield. An elf, whose curiosity over differences between thinking individuals, tore them away from their loved ones, those of narrow minds. Two souls finding each other, living, breathing.

Of these two, a new life sprung forth. Something different from both of them. Similar, yet not the same. But the human, only around for the first two years of the child's life, had to leave the two behind, duties to his country calling him back. The elf, lonesome in time's solitude, tried desperately to find a way back to her kind. But this could never happen while this new life, this child lived, and stayed with her. It was not an easy decision, yet caring for one whose features only grew to reminded them of the one who had left, the child was left behind in the forest. To survive by itself would be impossible, the elf thought. A fate less cruel than having the half of yourself that was supposed to protect you, rob you of the one thing you hold dearest from the moment you are given the gift of life. The elf had though of leaving the child with someone else, but that had proven to be a challenge when the elf didn't know about anyone living nearby.
The child, now alone in the ever growing darkness, could only watch as one of their origins left. Only listen to the dangers lurking ever so closely. Sense the murderous instincts. What now? Why, the only thing a child, unaware of the world before its eyes, could do. Scream. Call for attention from their parents, or from a hopefully close warm-hearted fellow, one who has the ability to protect them against the dangers until they themselves are able to take their place.

And to the child's luck, such a heart resonated, drawing a new shadow close to them. As the shadow seemed similar to the other shadows in the corner of their eyes, the child screamed even more, stepping slightly back. The stranger kneeled down to meet face to face, and inspected them for any bruises or cuts before he began talking to the child.
"Why, I never! Just what is a little fellow like yourself - what are you, five years old? - doing out here all alone? Where is your father and mother?" the stranger asked. The child, too scared to form any sentences or words, stopped screaming, but refused to look at the stranger, tears streaming down the child's cheeks.
"Ah, a bit shy, now, little one? Well, dry up those tears on your little face. We better seek cover for the night, if we are to live to see the sunrise," the stranger continued, and held out a hand for the child to grasp. "It's not that far of a walk, so just hold out for a little while longer, little one." Reluctantly, the child, wiping some of their tears away, took the stranger's hand, and was lead to safety by the stranger.

Many years have now passed since the stranger, Terrell, found the new life. The child, later introducing himself as Joshua, grew up in Terrell's residence: a temple amongst other scholars, ranging from clerics to wizards, people of magic and religion. Terrell himself, he once told Joshua, would be classified as a cleric. But it didn't mean he didn't know another trick or two that a cleric usually never learnt, thus him being unable to give a clear classification. Joshua himself had shown a great potential to the same magical arts as himself, yet his display were different. Through his years he would learn from both Terrell and the others living there, to which he almost seemed to have a natural talent for what they thought him. After being able to study the scrolls the other's took wisdom from, Joshua learned that his traits were better explained as something called a "Sorcerer", one who draws magic from their vast potential rather than rigorous studies.
Despite learning that he could easily use his powers, he trained and studied along with the others, to become more accustomed and worthy of such a power. The more he got used to his powers, though, the more he felt a calling in his soul. A calling to no where yet still somewhere. Towards a light, a flame perhaps? He had always had an affinity, an admiration even, for the dancing embers, crackling as they swayed in the wind. Had it not been for the others at the temple keeping an eye out for him, he could probably have accidentally burned down the library at the temple, and all those within, when he was 12 years old and had just learned to summon his first ball of flame.

As he grew older, around 23 years old, his caretaker, Terrell, an old man already when he found Joshua, passed away. The man didn't have many earthly possessions, but he left behind him a letter addressed to Joshua.

"Who you are might only be yourself, but just who is that? If someone asked you of your standing between the races, which will surely happen in the future, which side would you chose to defend?
The human side, a relatively young bunch in the world, fuelled by an inner desire to pioneer the world and bring new inventions and knowledge to the world, yet lives such a short and fragile life, rarely able to trust even those within their own race?
The elven side, a much more long-lived race of the two, whom favours nature and magic, and other goodness of the world, yet looks down on most other races as though they were unworthy of their "highly sought-after" attention? Or maybe something else? Something that is neither human nor elf? In the end, Who are you?

Along with the letter was a silver pendant formed like a water droplet, yet with a fiery scarlet gem in the middle of it. Attached to it was a small note, which explained that the pendant was something Joshua had worn when he first met Terrell, and probably was something given to him from his elven parent.
Unable to come up with an answer to the questions left behind by Terrell, he decided to set forth on a journey of his own, outside of the temple. A journey that would lead him to potential answers, and provide an opportunity to see more of the world he had only been able to see through the books at the temple. To see great lands. Vast oceans. A new night sky for every new place he would search. And so, his journey begins...


Alignemnt Neutral Good
Sign Libra
Enneagram Type 1w9
Flower content
Element Fire



  • Flames
  • His friends and travelling companions
  • Books
  • content


  • Dire wolves
  • Large bodies of water (or generally being submerged in water - terrible swimmer)
  • content
  • content


  • During his first adventure after setting foot from the temple, he was nearly killed by a Dire Wolf after mistakenly believing it trusted him, and set loose their shackle. Learning from this mistake, he never trusts wolves, especially Dire Wolves, ever again.
  • While waiting for the GM one day, we, the players, found "theme-songs" that fit to the characters. The song that fell to Joshua was "I set fire to the rain" due to him constantly playing with fire, as well as him having the Phoenix sorcerous origin, with the general theme on spells being "if it burns, it fits".
  • He somewhat became "the face" of the adventure party, being the one with the highest charisma score of 19 (which the die only worked in favour to the party when speaking to humans ;;-;;)




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