adelia corduroy (02. relationships)



 ▶ r e l a t i o n s h i p s 

chelis - her demon

Adelia sees chelis as something of a big sister. They have a sibling sort of relationship. Chelis teases adelia a lot but it’s (usually) just in good fun


io mreena - stress-causer

Adelia is completely baffled by io. She’s so powerful but just wastes it with her stupid little forrest. Why? Adelia has on multiple occasions tried to get io to join the coven. Io refused every time.


hesperos - concerning… 

Adelia (and the coven as a whole) have no idea who this demon is or why he’s so powerful. Adelia sees him as a potential threat and is very wary of him…


Delbine mreena - ???

Wait wait… io made a what.


Bean - io’s cat

Adelia loves cats but bean doesn’t like her…

also she belongs to io.