


5 years, 8 months ago


A pitchbringer originally from Catalpa, a holy place for a witchlike species called Kapunga.

•Like all other pitchbringer, he was suffering from constant despair and grief throughout the entirety of his life. Name spared him from death and gave him another chance to live a life in happiness. However, Name found him too late, Kapunga killed him and turned his bearskin into an stuffed animal. Even though he was dead, his soul never lost his body. Instead it stayed with him and the Kapunga, slowly recovering from his tragic life through the love a tiny Kapunga girl gave him. Since he was already dead, Name made an exception and turned him into a pitchbringer nonetheless, so he could live with his new friend.
•He since never left the Kapunga.
•After outageing his friends, he decided to make a contract with Baba Yaga, a godlike Kapunga who is as tall as a mountain, ever only being able to see her blade-like feet. She wanders around in a circle. The barrier, which can only be opened by her or her ambassador, turns out to be a great use for a prison. This place is called Catalpa.
•Baba Yaga agreed to make a contract with Orsos, so he could act as her eyes, ears and ambassador. She's just too big to see anything herself. She cant interact with her surroundings.
Ulysses and Misty were the last Kapunga staying inside Catalpa. They bribed eachother, since Ulysses didnt belong in Catalpa but would destroy Baba Yagas beloved apples if he told her of his presence. The two wolves later escaped Catalpa through outsiders help, with Orsos having to follow them. Its not for Baba Yaga to decide where her prisoners stay, so she wont act. Orsos is only going to return to Catalpa, if he is needed again.
•Eyes got the same consistency as normal eyes, only without being moist
•Orsos is the only pitchbringer with red blood.