


5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Jules Abbott

Nickname: Kitty (only Fia. Will shoot anyone else who tries to call him this)

Age: 46

Height: 6'7"

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthday: October 22nd

Occupation: Mobster (Second Hand in the De Luca Family)

Growing up, Jules and Fia were always thick as thieves. There was never a moment that he was not tailing after the older girl, in awe of her leadership and willingly following her where ever she said. Not much has changed since they've gotten older; well, except for Fia being the head of her own mob famiy, with Jules sitting at her side as her right hand man. 

Like I said, not much has really changed.

Jules is a quiet man with a nasty case of resting bitch face. He almost always looks like he's in a sour mood, which works well for him, because it helps a lot with his occupation. He's extremely serious, in contrast to Fia's much more light-hearted exterior, and doesn't take tomfoolery well (especially when someone tries to make him the butt of a joke). Extremely intimidating, Jules is actually remarkably patient. Though he'll be quick to shut down any insubordination towards him or Fia, when it comes to most things that could annoy him, he's much more time-biding and prefers to give people chances to shape up, so long as he finds the annoyance as harmless overall. The only person he lets tease him without ever getting onto is Fia, and she tends to bring out a more playful side of him as well.

While he isn't as quick to put a bullet in someone as Fia is, he's every bit as ruthless once he deems something worth the effort of fighting against. He's much better at hand-to-hand combat, though he does know his way around a firearm.


- Thunderstorms

- Pine Scents

- Cats

- Pickles


- Hot Weather

- Perfume in general

- Messy Hair

- Squash of any kind


- Has had romantic feelings for long-time friend and leader, Fia, for years. However, due to his respect for her and their occupation, he knows there's not really a place for romance, so he doesn't act upon it.

- Loves having his hair played with. Won't admit it outright, but won't stop someone if they want to play with his hair.

- Fia calls him "Kitty" partially for his love of cats, and partially because she says his hair and beard make him look like a lion. Jules swears he doesn't see it.

- Jules has one cat named Chum, a small gray tabby who he actually found as a kitten in an inspection of one of the shipping yards. He's missing his front right leg, so he requires a little more attention than the usual kitty. Would quite literally kill for this cat.