Lettuce (wyngro)



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


running, sleeping, climbing, jumping, loud noises, plant-life, bugs


not moving while awake (tosses in her sleep a lot tho), slow-pokes, being touched out of nowhere, quiet, "hurting" plants


to go everywhere so the scenery would always be different and conquer/understand all the new things she finds; listen to life around her; learn all water magic; talk with like-minded wyngrew


Lettuce isn't very good with new things or dealing with emotions, so she'll often be timid or frozen or super confrontational when she's bothered. She doesn't like shows of affection - neither receiving or giving, causing her to struggle with expressing attachment towards others. However, she has no trouble expressing objections or talking about things she's comfortable with. Letty spends most of her time exploring alone and has developed a fondness for the natural world. As she's had so much issue with the unknown, a part of her drives her to seek answers to be better equipped to deal with whatever may come her way. She has plenty energy and drive to keep moving forward.

Approaching Lettuce will be met with her making weird grimaces as she struggles to understand what you want, which in turn often causes others to misunderstand her. As long as you're not touchy or pushy, she will warm up to you fairly quickly and become a good listener. This doesn't fix the grimace issue as for whatever reason her facial muscles seem to be wired weird so figuring out what she's thinking is surprisingly difficult; though most of the time she just... looks constipated.

Meeting new wyngrew: Keeps her distance and acts kind of withdrawn; will become increasingly more anxious if her space is invaded without letting her warm up to the strangers first. She probably won't leave until she does because she prefers getting used to them as soon as possible.
Meeting new species: Will be cautious and frightened but also much more curious. If it talks, she'll treat it like she does wyngrew. But if it's a bug, she will attempt to eat it.
Being touched: NO! Permission and familiarity is needed first - she's more lenient with a friend but it doesn't mean she likes it. She'll probably make a weird face and rant about some unrelated thing you do wrong or straight up kick you if you persist to annoy her.
Being surprised: Will freeze in place without making so much as a peep.
When happy: Will smile openly when in a good mood and move around a lot whether it be rolling, walking, trotting, sprinting, jumping or climbing. She doesn't laugh loudly instead if something got her funny bone good, she'll writhe on the ground while chuckling. She doesn't share in the reasons of why she's happy and such unless someone asks.
When sad: Will find some place she can be alone to let it all out. She feels like others tend to try to touch you to comfort you and if they can't it becomes somewhat awkward so she doesn't like inviting such sympathy. She will deny being sad even if it's a little.
When angry: Will verbally attack about things that aren't even the main things that made her angry and if the feelings escalate to intense rage, will resort to violence. She can often come across as angry/grumpy due to her expressions and tendency to voice various objections. What makes her most angry is seeing plants being destroyed for no reason and her personal space being invaded too persistently.