
WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!

The art in this character's gallery also contains lots of blood!

Personal Details ★

Full Name His real name is unknown, but everyone just calls him Haimon
Gender Male
Age He looks around 17 years old as that was how old he was when he died, but nobody knows exactly how long it's been since that happened so he's probably older than that
Height 6' 0"
Birthday Unknown
Likes Sleeping, hugs, sleeping, soft things, sleeping, quiet places, sleeping, eating, sleeping, warm things, sleeping, favourite colours = red and brown. Did I mention sleeping?
Dislikes The rain, getting wet (as water would end up mixing with his blood, preventing him from changing its shape), loud noises (especially when they're stopping him from sleeping), being woken up
Powers Used to have none, but now his blood can change shape, and take on the form of anything. Also, he can use his blood to regenerate parts of his body, which explains why his body hasn't completely rotted away.


Personality ★

Haimon is usually pretty calm and friendly (unless, of course, he's just been woken up - then he'll be in a pretty bad mood). In fact, if he knew anyone, some of those people would say that he's a little too friendly, as he'd be more than willing to hug a total stranger. And fall asleep while he's hugging them.
However, he is very, very lazy, and he is often found sleeping somewhere. He'll also never clean up after himself, because... well, what's the point if you'll end up unintentionally making a mess while you're trying to clean up?

Backstory ★

He's an ordinary human boy - no powers or anything like that. ...Or rather, he used to be an ordinary human boy, until he died when he was seventeen. How did this happen? Well, one day a certain demon moved into the town he lived in while he was alive. Despite his family's concerns about said demon (because, well, demons aren't exactly known for being the friendliest people, are they?), he and Kronan eventually became the best of friends.
He was fully aware of the mysterious deaths that kept happening in his town ever since Kronan moved in, where occasionally somebody would disappear, then be found dead with no known cause of their death. Like everyone else, he was concerned about this happening to himself or somebody close to him, but he knew that Kronan moving in and the start of these deaths happening were entirely unrelated and just a coincidence. After all, despite being a demon, Kronan was too kind to be behind them... right?
Or so he thought. One day, Kronan began to distance themself from Haimon and his family. Worried about his friend, a few days after this had happened he went over to where Kronan lived to see if they were okay. Of course, Kronan had never told him about the fact that they feed on human souls, or what happens to them to them while they were hungry, so he certainly didn't expect them to have a completely different personality from the Kronan he knew. What he was expecting even less, though, was for them to satisfy their hunger by eating his soul, killing him.
While the rest of his family mourned over his death, his father was determined to bring him back, no matter what. Without the rest of the family knowing, he searched for a way for them to get his son back. He was eventually able to find a way, by asking a demon who could bring the dead back to life to do it, in exchange for his soul. However, as Haimon himself no longer had a soul, it had a fairly high chance of failing. He got the demon to try it anyway, hoping that it would work despite the odds. Fortunately for his father, it actually did bring his son back to life... but poor Haimon had no memories of his past life whatsoever, and it also lead to him looking like the way he does now. His father was heartbroken, as he believed that he had pretty much failed at getting his son back. He left his son in a forest far away from his town later that day, and never returned. Haimon has been living in a forest since then (the same one his father left him in, of course), preferring to sleep all day rather than find a way out of the forest, or find out about his life before he ended up in the forest.
A lot of rumours had begun to spread about that forest once it became his home. The forest was already a little creepy to the people living near it due to there being no animals or plants (aside from trees, of course) living in there whatsoever for seemingly no reason, but it became worse once the few people who dared to go in there and came back out alive without getting lost discovered trails and pools of blood around the forest, with no known reason why they were there (since they were either too scared to find out, or they couldn't find Haimon). Was there a serial killer who killed and/or buried their victims in the forest? Were there demons or monsters living in there, that ate whoever came into the forest? Was the forest actually a place where many people chose to end their own lives? Nobody knew, as nobody so far has found any bodies in there, nor has anyone found anything in there that could possibly be used to kill someone. This explains why Haimon has never found anybody else in the forest - many people are too afraid to go in there.

Relationships ★

Friends - None yet, as he hasn't come across anyone else that lives in the forest he lives in. Before he died, he was very close with his sister, but now he has no memories of her.
Enemies - None yet, for the same reason as above
Family - He doesn't know he even has a family, but he has two younger brothers (one of which is Ricky - the other is Cameron) and a younger sister named Winter. His mother is alive, but nobody knows if his father is, as he mysteriously disappeared a few years after he tried to bring Haimon back to life.
Relationship status - Single/Sexuality unknown (though that's mainly because he'd rather sleep than figure out what his sexuality is. And by 'sleep' I meant 'catching zs', not the other kind of sleeping around...)

Other ★

★ Because he has no memories of his past self and the fact that he no longer completely looks like a human, he has no idea what he is. He doesn't even know that he's died, so he also thinks that he's still alive... even though the fact that he loses a normally impossible amount of blood on a daily basis, he can go without eating and breathing forever and the fact that he more or less smells like a rotting corpse now should be dead (no pun intended) giveaways that he has died. Though to be fair about the last point, he has no idea what a rotting corpse smells like - plus he's been this way for so long that he's become desensitized to the smell. However, if somebody had brought any of those up, he would argue that if he had died, then how is he... well, living?
★ He tends to speak in a quiet, sleepy-sounding voice, which makes him hard to hear sometimes. Unfortunately, he's too lazy to raise his voice much higher than how he usually speaks...
★ Of course, as he's technically dead (although he's been brought back to life), he doesn't need to eat. Which is actually a pretty good thing as there isn't much food in the forest that's pretty much become his home.
★ He technically has no arms or legs now - he usually just makes all the blood that comes out of where they used to be take the form of arms and legs so he can get around and do stuff.
★ Because most of his blood flows out of his body instead of... well, staying in like it should do, he has somewhat poor circulation, meaning that he often feels cold. Of course, living in a forest with next to nothing to keep him warm doesn't help, and this gets worse in the winter.
★ One of the only things that he remembers about his life is that when he first arrived in the forest, he felt an immense amount of pain all over his body, which eventually went down until he could no longer feel it. He also remembers that at first, he couldn't control his blood, but he eventually figured out how to. 
★ He doesn't know he even has a name - he doesn't remember his name from when he was alive, and he's unaware of the fact that people outside the forest that believe some sort of monster lives there call him Haimon.