Tatenda Jakande



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Setting notes and disclaimer:

Part of the "Charahub Exodus". A minor relative of Contemporary!Nimues' who came up to me and demanded a character sheet. Also a case-study in the "moongoth" subculture I developed for that setting with my game masters approval. Right now he's just an amusing teenage stereotype to poke fun at, but I'll see if more information reveals itself to me regarding him.


Tatenda Jakande

Moongoth kid with questionable friends and beliefs.

  • Nicknames Tenda, Tenna
  • Age 15
  • Species Human
  • Gender Male
  • Occupation Student
  • Sexuality Bi until proven otherwise
  • Significant other Yes
  • Voice Kinda like the son from this Cyanide and Happiness short (NSFW)
  • Family Mother
    Father Dehnga Jakande
    Older sister Keyon Toure
    Keyon's kids.

  • Personality

    VERY much a teenager, of the mopey individualist variety.

  • Appearance

    Dark skin, wide nose. Blue-dyed hair with a white streak, asymmetrical fringe that gets in his left eye. Piercings EVERYWHERE. Tons of eyeliner and white nail polish. On his arm and neck there's a tattoo of Medusa's skull who has snapdragons instead of snake heads white patterns of the moon and the constellations, which look kinda as if someone had tried to mix together gallifreyan and tribal style.

    Probably just a joke, but may or may not have a small tattoo of a "black boobilicious pin-up with laser eyes" on his chest

  • Specific to Nimues roleplay

    Possibly not canon: Might've become infatuated with Brighteyes. Due to his involvement in the conspiracy theory and "alternative" field he was aware of the existence of the mysterious glowy-eyed healergirl weeks before she became mainstream.

    Possibly still hero-worships her after learning that Brighteyes is actually "that weird cousin of his".

  • Setting

    A world which had truttled along just like ours had, until around 10th century AD when over half the land was covered in sand and rendered uninhabitable. No-one could rationally explain why. By 21st century the technology and culture still bear similarities to our own, but have reached their current point through radically different historical pathways. Global culture and some branches of science and welfare are less developed than ours, whilst certain branches of technology are way more complex than on Earth.

    Main religion is a worship of Sheme - the goddess of life and the sun. To a much lesser extent there are also cults to Yarea - the god of moon.