


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Ryunosuke Konoe






Teashop owner, painter



Design Notes

• Almost always wears his kimono very loosely
• Hair is somewhat messy and slightly pushed up at the front
• Kimono is black to red gradient




R Y U N O S U K E  K O N O E

blunt | stoic | taciturn | aloof | oblivious | calm | observant | patient | stubborn

L I K E S   Smoking, tea, art, peace and quiet, his friends (though he doesn't show it)
D I S L I K E S   Others hurt/in pain, hot weather

Ryunosuke comes off as the serious, taciturn, stoic, and possibly even boring type. He doesn't talk much or show much emotion, but when he does he's pretty blunt, so it's fair to say that most people think he's very intimidating and hard to approach. Truth is though, he's actually a very gentle person who is either always lost in his thoughts, or just not really thinking at all. Helping others is second nature to him, but because he doesn't really know how to express himself, he can come off awkwardly blunt. This usually results in his good deeds being passed off as anonymous or him brushing it off as if it were nothing.

He runs a small and modest tea shop. By chance one day a group of rowdy males came in (possibly in hopes of curing a bad hangover) and immediately they started targeting Ryunosuke - not in a bullying type way, but more thinking he was cute for being so expressionlessly aloof that they can't help but shower him with attention which he 'annoyingly' brushes off or makes him awkwardly distant because it makes him blush and he isn't used to such situations. They always call him 'Ryu-chan' which he hates with a passion, but it only eggs them on more that it frustrates him. This is kind of the funny thing with him, despite his seriousness, outgoing people always gravitate towards him. This group of guys have somehow turned out to be his very dear friends. Though they are loud and the complete opposite of him, they somehow seem to understand him very well - knowing how to push his boundaries while at the same time knowing when to tread carefully (they know when he's not himself). Since their first encounter, the group constantly visit and cause chaos in his store, but while he always tells them off for how annoying they are, when he's around them is probably one of the only times you can catch a smile on him, and he wouldn't admit it to save his life but their visit is probably what he looks forward to every day.

Note: I'm currently in the midst of planning his friends so that I can get them created :'))))

Ryu's parents passed away in a tragic accident when he was 14. He was passed on to some distant relatives who already had 3 children of their own. Though his new guardians were lovely people and made every effort to make him feel apart of the family, Ryu saw himself as more of a burden given that their family was already big enough without him. This made him keep his distance in hopes to not cause his relatives too much trouble, while always ensuring to at least remain polite and as helpful as possible to his foster parents. His cousins who were of similar age would always ask him if he needed anything, or tried to involve him but he brushed them off constantly. Unfortunately for him, they didn't back off so he started resorting to harsher rejections "I don't want it, you're annoying." Luckily, his relatives knew that he was in truth a very sweet boy, so while they did back off with their attempts to include him, they were nonetheless still loving and affectionate towards him.

This probably explains Ryu's stoic personality. He never really showed his emotions to his new family in order to avoid burdening them; his blunt words towards others who try to get close come about from his efforts to push his cousins away, while always being extra polite to strangers; and his awkwardness is a consequence of this as he now doesn't really know how to accept the affection of others.

He moved out of the home as soon as he had saved enough money to do so. As he is a person who doesn't like drama and rather just enjoys the little things in every day life, he opened up a small teashop where he can enjoy the peace and quiet, while also giving him a relaxing environment to paint (and sell them for some side income). He also makes sure to send a letter to his foster family every now and then, but doesn't really know what to say so they end up just being something like "I'm doing fine, hope you all are of good health."

• The teashop actually attracts many females who go there to see him, but he is oblivious to their advances
• Listens to instrumental music
• Attracts stray cats and dogs who seem to sense his kindness
• His friends always crash at his house, especially after a long night of drinking and for a recovery day the next day
• He's a weak drinker and doesn't like to show it so usually prefer to stay sober and looks after his friends
• Has a very gentle singing voice but is super embarrassed and wouldn't show it to anyone even if he was dying
• Literal translation of 'Ryunosuke' is "dragon herald" (this was not the reason for his tattoo)