Kei (AU: Ab-Orbis)



5 years, 21 days ago


Name: Kei Tokuda
Age: 21
Height: 5’10’’
Rank: Handler

"Don't look to me for answers, kid.  I'm paid to deal with you, not to baby you."

Sure, this dumpster fire of a place was a far cry from anything he'd wanted to do as soon as he'd escaped the military, but as luck had it, the government wanted him again.

The hybrids had took his family away, that night in the crossfire.  They'd left him with nothing. If it wasn't for those criminals, he wouldn't have been forced to see what he did, out in the field.  He and his brother needed the money, and well, there was little place a rag tag duo of orphans from Yun could go while following the right side of the law.  Any earlier, and Kei would have imagined the present situation with abhorrent disgust.

But it didn't matter.  Who was he to deny such an offer?  He needed a job if he ever wanted to build himself up again, and here it was: all lined up for him.  He’d do anything to be finally freed from the military world, from the debts that bound him there.

And more so, he’d do anything to find her.

Kei hasn't been the luckiest of individuals.  His parents had owned a local convenience store nestled deep in one of Yun's busiest districts when they were caught in a crossfire between An Yuan’s government and the Resistance, which led to their untimely deaths.  Kei has hated hybrids ever since. He and his brother both joined the human faction of the An Yuan military some time after this, finding it difficult to support themselves when the family inheritance started running out.  Kei hardened as a result of the experiences he witnessed, also developing insomnia afterwards due to his frequent nightmares of the incidents. His brother stayed in the military while he ran back to Yun as soon as he could, hoping to escape that life.  He needed the money anyway, to try and locate an old friend from before his military days.  This urgency to find her would escalate at the discovery that she had gone missing without a trace during his absence. And as for Kei, well, he hadn’t realized just how important she had been to him until she was gone.  What could he do besides resolve to find her and to make up for his mistakes?  This wasn't his first time dealing with these criminals, anyway - he knew how to handle them, and he also knew about the many ways it could all go wrong.  

- bitter
- cocky
- insecure
- prone to scapegoating (particularly in the case of hybrids)
+ resilient
+ loyal if you earn his hard-earned trust
+ cautious
+ honourable
+/- independent

+ Rock music
+ Forests
+ Target Practice
+ The Law
- Sudden, loud noises
- Being exposed as vulnerable
- Lawbreakers
- Politics

- Hybrids are associated with bad memories for him (namely of his parents and ones in the war).  He uses them as a scapegoat as a means to cope.
- Kei keeps his handy sword from his military days.
- He was the equivalent of a first lieutenant in said military days, while his brother now has the equivalent rank of a captain.
- Proficient in playing the guitar.  He’s a bit rusty, but give him some time to warm up and he’ll get the hang of it.
- He keeps the documents he managed to collect of the scant information on his old friend’s whereabouts in the drawer of his car.  He seems to be under the impression the Resistance had something to do with her disappearance, though he could have been fed false information.