
8 years, 2 days ago


Human (Gifted)


Cocky • Bitter • Cautious • Loyal • Resilient • Emotional?

In a Nutshell: A cocky and bitter young man with magic forcefully conscripted into a institution's army for their own ends.

She tells you that things weren’t meant to be this way.

You sneer at her, almost mocking. They’ve always been. What’s next on her list of words to say, you can only imagine. “This could have been different”, or “you have to come home”. For a moment, it angers you. You know she knows - you see it in her finite eyes, gone ice cold. This war has changed you both. She’s been drained of her emotion, while you’ve had to face too much; and yet she refuses to accept either. You remember the time you gave your life for hers, and seeing her as she is now, you wonder if any of it was worth the price. The further you delve into the world, the more twisted it becomes. After all, the two of you were just kids when magic entered the world, where this fight for power began - where children gained the powers that their predecessors desired, and then the world split into two. Families were torn apart for the sake of abilities no one ever wanted nor needed - so called ‘gifts from the gods’. And here she was, standing here, acting like the two of you could change any of this.

Oh god, how it makes you sick.


  • forests
  • quiet places
  • playing the guitar
  • swordfighting


  • loud noises
  • people who try to use him
  • big cities
  • feeing vulnerable
"I've never failed a damn mission. What makes you think that you'll be any different?""


In the midst of the chaos of people being born with magic, a few towns emerged due to the efforts of freedom fighters - people determined to protect Gifted children from being conscripted like their predecessors, an oddity in a world where tensions between Gifted and Non-Gifted peoples were high. Normally, these towns were closely correlated with the acts of the Resistance and sometimes the Dragon's Fang, sometimes helping to hide their existence, or at least the existence of the Gifted that resided in them.

Kei belonged to one of these towns - a quaint town called Ivywood - but the people there could not protect him or his family from becoming conscripted. Born the youngest son to a family of Gifted shopkeepers, Kei lived a normal childhood, becoming particularly fast friends with Kura despite being the town prankster. However, his family's specialty was in disguising themselves in Non-Gifted cities to obtain goods, a dangerous task that eventually led to them being captured by Academy Officers when he was 12. Kei managed to escape unseen as his parents distracted the officers, but the damage had been done. Worried that the capture of his family meant the Academy could inch closer to their hidden town, some of the more vocal townspeople of Ivywood believed that they had led themselves to their own fates, making healing difficult for Kei, despite being taken in by Kura's adoptive family.

One year later, another misfortune struck Kei when he and Kura went into the outskirts of the forest on a dare. Kura had bumbled ahead of him, unaware of the Academy Officers patrolling. On instinct, Kei pushed her out of the way and let himself get captured ahead, which marked his conscription at the Academy. Worse still, Kei was not treated as one of their regular recruits - mistaken for having an ability in strength through his high win rate in single combat, the head commander of the organization, Elise, took specific interest in him. Though initially disobedient, Kei was forced to change quickly when he learned Elise was a Gifted with mind control abilities herself, and further still, that she had subjected his former family to this as one of her experiments. Powerless to do anything, Kei let the Academy shape him into the warrior they wanted him to be. In the matter of years, Kei’s cheerfulness dwindled. He grew as cold as any other soldier, forced to fight, and resigned himself to his fate.

Today, Kei remains one of the Academy's most treasured tools, having been promoted to the rank of Academy Officer: in other words, one of Elise's underlings. He has grown bitter about the world in his constant search for some kind of escape. At the same time, he has also realized a crucial fact: his Gift was never one of strength, but misfortune. Wherever he goes, trouble follows, and that is more than incentive enough to keep his mouth shut.


• His earrings being visible is an element of his design!

• The hair between his ears and face is long - please don't draw it short!

• Meme art, interaction art, etc. is ok!

• He has an alternate outfit in his Ab-Orbis AU - feel free to draw that (or come up with a new outfit?)

• I will love u forever if you draw him with Kura ;_;.


• Kei is an insomniac. He's unable to go to sleep at night mostly because he keeps running visuals of bloodshed in his head over and over again.

• His astrological sign is Cancer.

• Kei's misfortune power is always activated. While he can control it on other people, he can't control it on himself... which basically leads to the worst things possible happening to him.

• Each Academy Officer has a unique code name based on animals, his is 'Black Cat'.




Love interest. Former friend turned enemy, Kura fights on the opposite side of Kei in siding with the Resistance. Further still, the two are familiars - a term used to describe Gifted who share opposite abilities, and thus nullify each other. Kei scorns Kura for the luck that has kept her away from the pain he and others have had to endure. He soon comes to realize that is not the case, as she is as much a pawn of the Resistance as he is of the Academy due to her ability, trapped in a warring world as much as he is. As time progresses, the two realize they have only each other to confide in, a temporary escape from their harsh reality.



Kei's brother. When younger, Yuta always watched out for Kei, being the studious older brother compared to the rebel he was at the time. Under mind control, however, things quickly changed, and Kei immediately began to distance himself from his brother, both to protect himself and run away from the problem.

When Yuta is the first to break out of Elise's mind control, Kei refuses to trust him. He believes it might be another tool used by Elise to get what she wants, and even if he's not, he thinks she could easily get him back under mind control anyway. This is not to say Kei hates him - he still has strong brotherly feelings for Yuta, but simply refuses to let himself get hurt again. Kei's apprehensive and pessimistic attitude is a constant struggle for Yuta, who not only has to deal with missing six years of his life, but also trying to reach to a family member who has completely changed and would rather push him away.



An infamous assassin of the organization Dragon's Fang. Kei finds Tamika irritating, if not frustrating, because of her mannerisms towards him. She likes to play mind games with him with a charming flair, and most of it is because of her dislike for the Academy, whom she mainly sees as unsavable murderers. This dislike, however, extends to a special hate for Kei - someone she sees as manipulating her half-sister, a family member that she's yearned to meet for years. Kei thinks Tamika's grave mistake is in thinking she can escape loneliness through projecting her hopes on Kura, as well as her narrowmindedness.



Kei's commander. Elise has him under his control like a ring around her finger, and he despises it. She often taunts him about this, though he's forced to stay quiet because he knows worse can happen if he doesn't. Elise, having the power of mind control, is also responsible for putting his family members under her spell, which they haven't broken out of for five years. Despite this, she allows Kei some degree of freedom - mainly due to his ability and its usefulness in combat - as long as he fulfills his duties. Elise's treatment towards Kei in inducting him into the Academy helped shape him into the bitter person he is today.



Kei's rival. Though Cole respects Kura's wishes to free Kei from the Academy, things are drastically different when Kei and Cole have an opportunity to be alone. Not only do they have conflicting desires and personalities, both of them detest the other. Cole despises Kei because he's from the Academy, and Kei despises Cole because he's a Resistance prat that doesn't understand what people like him have gone through. There's a significant amount of tension between the two of them that seems to be on the verge of bursting, much to Kura's concern. They may be more similar than they think, however - both of them struggle with social problems and anxieties.

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