


8 years, 1 month ago


species cursed
age 15
gender trans woman
pronouns she/her
orientation lesbian
height 5'6"
build thin
job student

status sin
weapon butterfly knife
ability telekinesis
curse theft
redemption yes

  • be respectful when you draw her, she's a woman, respect that. don't draw her as a man.
  • hair reaches her butt
  • hair + fur is always carefully groomed and silky smooth
  • makeup on fleek
  • all her clothes she made herself
  • stuffs to a b cup
  • tends to wear lots of layers


Roxxanne always looks like she's playing a game only she knows about. She has an easy confidence and a natural charm to her, she's a sweet talker and easily wins others over, and likes to try and get people to do her bidding. She's a little flirtatious and mischevious, and enjoys teasing and deceiving people. She can get a bit carried away at times, but she doesn't have bad intentions or try to inflict real harm, she's just very hedonistic and is here to have the most fun she can. She loves being creative and expressing herself any way she can, whether through makeup or sewing with whatever fabric she can find, and dreams of one day being a fashion designer.

She can be vain and shallow, obsessed with external appearances - quick to mock those she thinks are ugly and laugh at those who try her (mean girls). She spends hours on her appearance and is always interested in the latest trends. She can be a bit perverted at times, crossing over personal space for a quick squeeze or using her telekinises for a quick panty shot of the cutest miniskirt nearby. What can she say? Girls are just so cute!! Not much bothers her, but she hates being outsmarted, or being beaten at her own game, and the one thing she hates most of all is being called ugly. It's advised you don't say that unless you're ready for a fight.


There's a lot of expectations to fill, growing up the eldest son of a powerful business family. A lot of "Don't fuck up, Hae-il," and "Don't disappoint our family name, Hae-il," or Colin, as his friends knew him. Most of the people at school didn't really understand it, "Who cares what your parents say, Colin?"

Determined to not let them down, he worked very hard to maintain straight As in his classes, as well as become a reliable figure within his class, helping tutor others, volunteering, signing up for leadership clubs, rarely sleeping, the occasional stress-induced breakdown that would land him in the hospital and be scolded once the doctor turned his back, all smiles when the doctor turned around again.

Don't fuck up, Hae-il.

At first, it was just an act of rebellion. Taking some chalk home after staying over to clean the classroom. A chalkbrush. He stared at them in his room, feeling stupid. Why did he do that? At a store he grabs some pencils, walks away without paying.

The few times he's caught, he plays it up, "I had no idea!" The owners always believe him, everyone knows he's a good kid, Colin would never intentionally steal anything! "I'll see you at James' birthday next week," the storeowner says as Colin leaves, who smiles back at them.

It starts to get worse. Every day is hell. Hae-il can barely get out of bed in the morning, barely stand looking in the mirror, barely force himself to eat, barely stop himself from pocketing things. Kids he tutors all report things going missing. His parents break into his room angrily one day.

"Hae-il, what is the meaning of this?!"

He realises something. What he realises is he can't keep doing this. He can't keep breaking himself over this. He's at his limit and if the choice is this forever or death, he chooses death.

"I'm not a boy."

Surprise, that turns to shock, disbelief, quickly changes into rage, he's thrown unceremoniously onto the street, instructed not to return "until their son comes back!" Sitting in the cold rain, walking away from food, warmth, and shelter, he realises something.

She finally feels free.

She hitchhikes to a big city, transitioning in the alleyways. She steals makeup and other beauty products, often more than food. She does her hair in puddles, she washes in the nearby river, freezing cold as it may be, scrubbing dirt off of her. She steals clothes and at a glance you could scarcely tell she was homeless.

It was by design.

It didn't take long for her to wake up one morning feline, something that filled her with immediate anger. Cursed for what? Trying to survive? Cursed for not having a loving family who could accept her for who she is? Fine then, curse her. After 25 she'd only start to get wrinkly and ugly anyway. It didn't matter to her.

What mattered was she could finally be who she wanted to be.

at the academy

Roxxanne did her best to avoid the cops for a long time, but eventually, they caught up with her. There's only so far you can run before they get you, and she was hauled off to the Academy. Initally sent to a men's Academy, she caused shit and stirred up drama until they caved to her demands and transferred her to a women's Academy, breathing a sigh of relief as she escaped the eyes of the men around her there. The women's Academy wasn't perfect, but it was a lot better.

Once she met Cherry, they linked instantly. Cherry helped Roxxanne calm down and relax a little, moving from constantly defensive, knife-on-hand, to a more confident, laid-back Roxxanne. Why did it matter what anyone else thought of her? She had a home, food, shelter, and a loving girlfriend, and didn't have to pretend to be a boy anymore. Plus, she was surrounded by beautiful women~ No, this was the perfect place for her to die someday.

cherry// girlfriend

cherry is a godsend. roxxanne doesn't know where she'd be without her.

ashes// friend

ashes is so cute and sweet~ reminds her of her sweet cherry! too bad she's straight~

amethyst// friend

they flirt way too much. someone separate them.
