Sindri Caldwell



8 years, 1 month ago





Sindri Caldwell

5' 6''

26 years old

Human (Witch)

Trans Male (He/Him)








Theme by Circlejourney

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


A witch who specializes in spatial and crystal magic. He lives in Synestri in a small apartment and makes a living by imbueing crystals with magical properties for the wearer. He was born an incredibly sickly child, and was thought to have not made it past a few months. The blessing of the goddess Dynasty, however, has restored some vitality to him as a child. He bears the mark of the crescent moon on his hand as a reminder of this blessing, and although he still gets sick more easily, he makes the most of his life.


A witch with medium brown skin and warm brown eyes. His black, chin length hair is relaxed and a chunk of it is braided on his left side. He bears a light yellow, almost white mark of a crescent moon on the back of his left hand that glows when he uses his magic. His body type is in between average and chubby, and has a little bit of a belly. He has soft features and medium-thick eyebrows.

Sindri frequently wears a lot of jewelry in the form of necklaces and rings, often with gemstones or various rocks involved in them of his own magicks. He wears a purple and white hoodie with a ring of runes around the shoulders, clasped together by a gold chain and pale blue crystals. He has a grey-purple shirt underneath, and wears tan pants with boots. All of his clothes are just a little bit loose on him.


Sindri is an inquisitive soul with a thirst for knowledge and a drive to help his friends. He will often engross himself in projects simply because it sounds interesting and because he may help someone in the process. He has been known to be a little pushy in regards to this, but he does mean well. He is also introverte; preferring to spend time with a few close friends over crowds of people.


  • Knowledge for knowledge's sake
  • Nature
  • His familiar, Astra


  • Allergies
  • Close-minded people
  • Late Stage Capitalism


Sindri was born an incredibly sickly child. His mothers toiled away trying to find cures; through medicine, through remedies, anything they could get their hands on. One of his mothers, Nikita, was a devout follower of the goddess Dynasty, and begged the goddess to save her child. To everyone's surprise, Dynasty intervened, giving the child the strength to keep up with medical treatments. Nikita and Nadia, his other mother, were thrilled that their child was going to live.

From a very young age, Sindri did not identify with his assigned gender at birth. He insisted to be called a boy, and asked his mothers for a 'boy' name. They came up with Sindri, and fully supported him in his transitioning process throughout the years. He also grew up closely with his older sister, Sahriya, and his cousin (who was essentially a brother to him), Aristide. The three frequently hopped back and forth between the Caldwell resident and his aunt's farm, where they thought the fresh air might help Sindri's health. All it really did was stir up allergies, though.

As Sindri became older, he was apprenticed under an incredibly skilled crystal witch by the name of Fen Li. Fen happened to be apprenticed under Nikita, and jumped at the chance to return the favor and teach one of her children. He went to study under her to become a more practiced witch in addition to going to college. He eventually graduated with a double major in Astronomy and English. He now works as a librarian in Synestri, and although he has graduated from the tutelige of Fen, he still visits her- and the rest of his family- often.


Sahriya Caldwell

Sindri's older sister. The two have a close bond, with Suru being very protective over her little brother. Unlike most siblings, they don't bicker often, and have set up a teleportation system to easily hop back and forth between each other's homes.

Aristide Hawthorne

Sindri's younger cousin, although they're more like brothers than anything else. Aristide looked up to Sindri as a young child, and although Sindri used to be annoyed by that, he now tries to be a good role model for the kid and help him find his path in life.


Sindri's familiar. She chose him after her sister, Aysun, chose his sister. She much prefers her witch however. Despite being an aloof creature, she's very fond of Sindri, and will often lay on the book he's reading if she feels he's been awake too long.


-Nothing makes Sindri happier than curling up with a good book. He has a mini library in his apartment and is rarely seen without a book at least nearby.

-Similarly, he loves anything involving his affinities- crystals and stars are favorites of his, and his home is often littered with star charts.

-Thanks to his blessing, Sindri is capable of reading the stars with surprising accuracy. He never gets lost, and every so often they whisper truths of the universe to him.

-Despite being blessed by Dynasty, he has never met her or really felt her presence otherwise. Still, he looks after her daughter Sitara, and helps make sure no harm comes to her.

-He has an intense thirst for knowledge, and frequently picks up new subjects of learning simply because he's curious and he can. And he learns quick. For this reason he knows a multitude of languages, including ASL, Gaelic, Mandarin, French, and Latin. In general, he's extremely intelligent.