Vivian Vypre (Villain AU)



5 years, 9 months ago


Full Name Vivian Isabel Vypre
Born Isabel Belarmina Mariposa Fernandez
Villain Alias Queen Cobra
Age mid-late 20's
Height 5'1"
Background Latina (Puerto Rican)
Gender Demiwoman (she/her)
Chosen Birthday January 15th (♑︎)
Orientation aromantic bisexual
Home Virginia
World Superverse
Job Ex-Government Asset / Supervillain
Playlist(s) [♫]//[♫]
Animal king cobra
Aesthetic [x]//[x]
Vibes [♡]//[♡]
Code by Vom
I wish tabloids would stop complaining about how my costume's not sexy enough, and get back to arguing over whether or not I'm a vampire or a half-snake lady or something. That's way more fun.

A daring thief! A teasing temptress! Hailing from a Superverse AU where all the characters who aren’t supervillainous are now supervillains, this Vivian leads a life of crime and infamy, taking to the streets as the vibrant, wicked Queen Cobra! A conniving cat burglar here to steal your jewels and ruin your parties, you don’t have to worry too much about this viper’s bite, but her hypnotic eyes will still leave you reeling! She’s a bit sadder and a lot meaner than her canon counterpart, but she’s still just as tenacious and powerful, and one could easily argue she’s the strongest member of her little villain clique.


This Vivian shares a lot of physical features with her canon self, naturally. She’s still short, still well toned from her work out routines, still has that massive cobra tattoo on her right arm (plus an “S.O.S.” anchor on her left.) And of course, she still has her dazzling pink and red eyes, which flicker and flash when she uses her powers, though dark eye bags underneath them betray her perpetual exhaustion. Her hair is kept pixie-cut short and colorful, accented more often by a well-loved bandana. You’d also be quick to notice that this Vivian has a few more snakelike features, including artificial fangs and a forked tongue. It’s just for the aesthetic, but she loves the look. <3

Fashion wise, she still has a fondness for cute clothes, but her low energy draws her to comfy, casual wear most often. Shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops are some of her dearest friends. In villain mode, though, she embraces flamboyance, and dons a costume of brilliant yellow and pink, all knee-high leather boots and long flowing cape and nefarious gadgets galore at her hip. Queen Cobra ensures every aspect of her villainess attire is a Technicolor nightmare, bright colors on a venomous viper, and the end result is a force that’s hard to forget.

Design Notes:
  • Hair can be any shade, but is most often a soft, pale pink.
  • Her natural brown roots tend to be visibly pretty frequently.
  • Her eyes have been a little damaged from a complicated series of superpower-related events, so she occasionally wears a pair of pink glasses.
  • Sometimes paints her nails, leaving the paint on until it gets chipped.
  • During particularly depressive periods, she sometimes suits up as Black Mamba instead of Queen Cobra; this alternative villain persona features a sleek black catsuit and silver streaks dyed in her hair.


  • Catty
  • Pessimistic
  • Amorous
  • Strong-Willed
  • Impish
  • Irritable

Meaner, hornier, and all around more apathetic than her canon self, this Vivian has happily embraced the supervillain lifestyle, and delights in schemes, spite, and sabotage (towards others, and herself.) She’s openly a very depressed person and, unfortunately, tends to handle this rather poorly, chasing reckless behavior and biting the hand of those who try to help. Bullying, teasing, and flamboyant displays of comic book malice are all in her repertoire against those who cross her, but she still keeps to a loose moral code when she can. She can quite wicked when she wants to be, but she isn’t out to kill people or cause needless damage, just to have a good time and cause a little drama.

Her love for those close to her is still tremendous, even buried under a sour temper and faux-flirtatious attitude. She often slips into spirals of insecurity, certain her loved ones could do so much better, and that surely she isn’t really needed here. Viv rides these waves the best she can, but they leave her weary and phlegmatic on even the best days, feeding the cycle even more. She’s a steadfast friend to others, even while struggling to channel that same care and devotion into self-love. A daring heist or thrilling getaway is something she’ll never give up on. But herself? That’s a lot more tempting…


  • Vegetables
  • Rules. The government. Cops.
  • Being bothered when she's trying to relax
  • Wearing glasses
  • Getting her hands dirty, violence wise
  • Baggy clothes

Skills & Abilities


Much like her canon counterpart, this Vivian was also snatched away into government custody as a child. She was given her powers when she was 12, at a “summer camp” built for dumping experimental Asset technology on children. She met Shirley there, the one highlight of her stay, but she wouldn’t see him again until years later; Vivian was kept and trained as a sort of pseudo-Asset until she was 18, wherein she decided “actually, fuck this,” and escaped. She was partially reprogrammed, but unlike her canon self, still retains a few smattered memories of her childhood, however murky.

After taking her life into her own hands Vivian met back up with Shirley, and quickly decided to use her abilities to do some fun and sexy crime. :3 Donning the mantle of Queen Cobra, she became acquainted with other villains Hijack and GR13FR, and them, along with the superhacker Cybergeist, became a sort of nefarious villain pack-come-friend-group, and though this Vivian can be a bit bottled up with her emotions, she really does care about ‘em a whole lot. She's been through a lot with them, some good, some bad, all certainly memorable

Perpetually fighting her own depression, Vivian’s given into her sadness more than once, and in her darkest moments, takes on the name Black Mamba instead. It’s only been a few times, but this reckless variant of her villain persona has marked her lowest emotional points, and she’s reluctant to say anyone’s ever seen the last of it.


  • The government wasn't able to mindwipe away her ability to speak Spanish this time, so she's still fairly fluent in it.
  • She drives a slick pink motorcycle, known as the Vyprebike.
  • Loves going to concerts, and also dense literary analysis
  • Hijack calls her "V" sometimes. She thinks it's cute~
  • Has a huge crush on Alucard from Castlevania

Shirley | Best Friend, Surrogate Brother
Met in their youth, and still just as close with him as she is in canon. They do crimes together, and he is without a doubt her sidekick; don't get it twisted. <3
Owen | Friend (With Benefits)
On much better terms with him here than in canon. They spend a lot of time together, and have a bit of a sexually-charged crime rivalry where they try to outdo each other.
Emmy | Friends :/
Truth be told, she thinks Emmy is kind of mega annoying, but they're on decent terms, and she can tolerate doing heists with her. But that doesn't mean she wants to HANG OUT LATER, EMMY.
Elaine | Sister-in-Law
Vivian lives comfortably with Shirley and Elaine, but is more than a little intimidated by her, for no real reason! Is genuinelly touched and overwhelmed by her kindness towards her, though.

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