


7 years, 6 months ago


This bio is still a work in progress. Some parts may be incomplete or missing 


  • Name Cau
  • Age16-18 (physically) | Real age around 90
  • GenderMale
  • Height157cm
  • TypeDemon; bird folk
  • Birthday 4.5 (Taurus)
  • Alignment Chaotic Good
  • oCCUPATION Mailman
  • Weapon/magicMagic wand; water/earth
  • MusicX & X


"Leave it to me!" Cau smiled and puffed up his chest proudly, wings twitching in excitement. "I know how precious it is to you, so you can count on me to deliver your letter in time!"

Cau is a young-looking postman delivering letters from one place to another, regardless of whether these places exist within the same universe or not. He is unaffected by the boundaries between worlds but seems to be only vaguely aware of it himself.

Happy and carefree, but can also be mischievous and has a sharp tongue if you give him a reason to get displeased with you. He enjoys his job and is very serious about it, making sure all letters are delivered in time and to the right address. Due the fact he can freely travel around, he is the most trusted postman for keykeepers and he is in very good terms with Karen and Hannes especially. He is also affiliated with Miles and Emil, and is the adoptive little brother of Agnes.


Cau is a bird person on the smaller side, standing only 157cm tall with a very youthful appearance, making it hard for people to tell whether he looks like a teenager or a young adult. Regardless, Cau is a mature adult, and while his shape is youthful, it’s definitely more on the mature than childlike state. He has a lean build and light but usually slightly tanned skin as a result of working outside a lot. He has light bones and an equally light build to help him fly easier.

He has large and lively yellow eyes with noticeably long lower eyelashes near the corners of his eyes. He has a small, round and childlike nose and somewhat wide mouth, although not noticeably so. His hair is cream white with a green shade to it, long and usually tied on a low ponytail with a green ribbon. It’s noticeably soft and fluffy to touch, resembling the quality of his poofy pair of wings of the same colour as his hair, although without the as green tone to them. His eyebrows are green and round. Due to his size and fair face added by the fact his voice is not particularly low, Cau is occasionally mistaken for a girl. However, this is relatively rare.

Cau is usually seen wearing a green sailor shirt, a matching green sailor hat and darker green shorts with white suspenders attached. He also wears white mid-calf socks and small black shoes, showing his feet are rather small in size.


Cau is generally a pleasant person to be around: cheerful and lively, he is easy to talk to and his conversational skills go beyond just general chit chat and smalltalk. Initially he can come across as shy to people and Cau doesn’t warm up to people fast despite how friendly he can be, but he makes a fair and affectionate friend once you have bonded with him. However, much like his sister, Cau is also rather mischievous and likes to fool gullible people for a good laugh, but he usually also knows where the line is drawn. Ironically though Cau is not all that good understanding jokes himself, and while he doesn’t get angry or offended, he is somewhat dense and might ask people to explain things to him.

Very strict about his work, Cau is orderly and delivering letters to a right place in time is a matter of pride to him. Also given the fact he is considered one of the more higher ranked mailmen and has been tasked with majority of the keykeeper letter deliveries, Cau can come across as a little boastful and bragging at times, but he usually doesn’t mean it. Rather, as he is so proud of his position and his ability to interact with keykeepers (especially Karen whom Cau adores and admires greatly) that he gets carried away fast when talking about such things, not realizing they can come across as bragging.

Similarly to his sister, Cau is also more than ready to bend and break the rules if it means his work gets done. However, he usually has less remorse compared to Agnes, and usually tries to hide his involvement in rule breaking, and most definitely doesn’t give himself up unless he is cornered. As such he comes across as way more rebellious than his sister does. Cau also doesn’t like to be ordered around people he dislikes, but he usually obliges anyway: he has a strong need to follow other people’s orders and please people, something that often gets him overworking or attempting dangerous things. He also has a need to prove himself to people, and doesn’t like it when others underestimate him just because he is small and looks younger than most.

Although generally very patient, if you get on his bad side he can be rather witty with his words, and definitely prefers using words as weapons than fighting physically. His tongue is sharp and he knows how to get under people’s skin if he absolutely needs to, but most of the time he simply can’t be bothered. However, Cau remembera insults and jeers directed at at him for very long, and he might forgive, but not forget. He also has a habit of appearing more exaggeratingly bothered especially when among people like Emil who lack common sense, but he isn’t actually mad or anything - it’s more for a comedic value if anything.


This section is still a work in progress

Not much is known about Cau’s past before he was found wounded and taken in by a keykeeper named Agatha. Another winged one, the boy was adopted and named Cau, but very little was known about his past, and the young boy didn’t want to speak about it. He was initially very passive and introverted, but eventually warmed up to his new family and became very close with Agnes, another bird person Agatha had adopted.

Agnes was initially the one who taught Cau fly when the boy was 11 and Agnes 19. When Agnes joined the postmen Cau followed in her footsteps, eventually gaining a lot of fame and praises over his capability in his work.


  • As a postman, Cau is not tied to one place in particular - rather, he can freely travel through universes. Unlike most other postmen including Agnes, Cau is capable of using this quality of his on a passive level: he is often not aware of when he is using his ability and when not, and sometimes he does it even out of duty without realizing it. Rather than being a skill gained through his position only, Cau seems to have a natural talent for universe hopping.

  • Average at flying

  • Uses a small magic wand to perform magic as he has no core on his own. He has an affinity with earth and water magic, but his skills are relatively low and mostly for self defense. His magic specializes in bursts of water, creating floating bubbles and making plants and flowers bloom.

  • Can tweet like a bird (ivory gull)

  • Relatively good singer by human standards, but rather average when it comes to bird folk - they’re naturally talented singers. Cau has a somewhat high voice for a male and is a countertenor singer.


  • Loves to be praised especially by keykeepers

  • Cau’s name is a misspelling of Cai, his name given as an inside joke due to design creator’s typos, but it’s also a loose reference to Gau from Nabari no Ou.

  • Adopted little brother of Agnes  

  • Cau gets along with people of all ages, thanks to the combination of his youthful appearance and old age: children don’t see him as a boring adult because he looks closer to them, while adults aren’t usually bothered by his looks because of his life experience and age

  • Used to be afraid of flying and vowed never to fly, but in the end he learned to fly at the age of 11 with Agnes’ help.