


7 years, 5 months ago


Age: 27

He's a mage who did some strong magic when he was younger and cockier but, after The Accident, he now fears magic.

He's selectively mute.

Older brother of Theia of whom he loves dearly. Along with his agreement with Farid, his concern for her is what drove him to avoid his former home.

Regularly, he finds himself recalling his time with Farid. Sometimes it leaves him comforted and happy. Most of the time, it leaves him sobbing and cynical.

A kind man deep down, he is fairly cautious due to his situation with the law and hasn't actually talked regularly to anyone except employers for years. Mark is the first person he talked to regularly in years.

He has a complicated relationship with Sebastian, having been the one to find his picture of his brother and himself and, against Mark's wishes, carrying it with him. Though he is fearful of the man (no thanks to the guard's first meeting with him), he can clearly tell that something about this picture is important. Following his gut feeling, he's sure to keep it safe until the next meeting with Sebastian, warily passing it to him. This action alone is what makes Sebastian consider that maybe Deimos isn't actually a brutal murderer.

Wouldn't you know it, when he was a child, he raised a small chick he found, only to find out that it was a legendary bird years and years later after it literally swept him off his feet.

After some time traveling together, he entered a happy relationship with Mark

Surprisingly, Deimos had actually met Arman prior to his traveling with Mark, having worked with him briefly when he had first started traveling on his own. At first, he hadn't remembered Arman when they stumbled across his shop together, only connecting the dots when Arman called him by name and he saw Nima and her snake. He's cautious about asking where Arman's wife is, though he'd had a feeling, having recognized the style of cloak Nima had worn when they'd first arrived in the shop.

No one actually knows what type of magic Deimos specializes in... 

-"Sometimes, Deimos will instinctively use magic to accomplish a task- usually something trivial and wouldn't require much thought. Upon realizing what he just did, he'd freak out and panic." (thank you @Trico for wording something I've been trying to figure for a while)
- He accidentally raised a legendary bird as a child, having thought it an average egg, and only realizes later on after a very startling reunion
- Often overthinks his actions and the resulting consequences
-Just a bit scared of thunder

Please note all his scars.
((here's his playlist))

I also get emotional thinking about how Dei views his and Mark's relationship