


Basic Info


Tziraqa Arazi




187 cm



Danger Rating



Ice / Bone

Combat Roles





Manto - Immondo


A powerful demonic henchman that never wanted this job and is super done with this shit. Is smart and cool and kind of like an angrily mopey shonen rival? May possibly have a dere side, if anyone can get past his overwhelming wall of tsun. 

His dumb-as-shit retard of a partner is Kazimir. Requires constant babysitting. 

He begrudgingly serves the dark lord Helize, mostly because he doesn't want to die (again).

In ages long past, Tziraqa was an ice mini demon who lived in a field with all the other ice mini demons. The fire mini demons from across the field were always trying to fight them and so the two demon clans were always fighting in the field, however one day one of the fire demons actually tried to talk to them to negotiate a ceasefire. As the ice mini demons were interested in checking out the pond at the side and could only do that if they stopped having to fight over the field all the time, they were interested and sent the then-nameless ice mini demon to check. However, it turned out to be a betrayal! And the fire mini demons ganged up on the ice mini demon and killed him. 

Some time later, the ice mini demon woke up . . . ? (Wasn't he dead before?) And found himself contracted to a human and there was also a wide-eyed fire demon goggling at him, which the unfortunate and newly-named ice demon found out was his new partner. He had no luck. The ice demon soon found out that they were to complete the tasks (or "contracts") the human set, and tried his hardest to successfully accomplish them as much as possible as their master was vicious and vengeful and the ice demon did not want to suffer horrible punishment like the others, and also there was the fact that they somehow grew stronger with each successive completed task and that was definitely a great motivator (as if not-dying horribly wasn't enough). He was so good in fact, that his partnership with the fire demon managed to complete all their tasks except one, and that was to kill a group of human-child knights . . . 

Thankfully, their master also failed to kill the knight group and was defeated, and had to flee in disgrace. Therefore when they returned to their master as their contract bade, he only punished them a little bit instead of nailing their still living bodies to a pillar and dissecting them alive, or immobilizing them and slowly feeding them to rats, or any other of a number of horrible punishments he inflicted on his servants and victims before putting up their forcibly living remains on display around his home. 

Anyway now that they were chased out from their previous home, they had to make their new home in a long abandoned castle in an island, far away in the outskirts of civilization. It was a lovely and thematic place, especially after the addition of some victim remains, and its distant location meant the two demons were frequently sent off to the human towns for the simple and enjoyable task of capturing new victims, and also for the somewhat more mundane but still very simple task of buying food and various other supplies from supermarkets. And so continues the toil of their lives in ghastly bondage. 



  • Intelligent, calculating, cold
  • Bitter, sarcastic, cynical
  • Diligent, careful 
  • Logical, analytical, observant
  • Resigned, compliant



  • Ice Manipulation
  • Bone Manipulation
  • Form Switch: Human, Demon (Nonhuman), Demon (Miniature), Monstrous (Chained), Monstrous (Berserk)





  • Due to his prior death, his true demonic form is a mindless berserker which does not fall under his master's contract as the contract only applies to sentient beings. Therefore his demonic form has been sealed into a much smaller and weaker one, especially compared to his partner Kazimir's massive demonic form. This upsets him quite significantly, as he would also like a massive and terrifying demonic form