Parah El-Hashem (Relationships)



832209?1528183569Carrtier Jacobson [Ex-Best Friend]
Growing up, Carrtier and Parah were thick as thieves, whenever one was having fun it was often thanks to the actions of the other, if one was in trouble it was always the other who would bail them out, if one was in danger the other would come to their defense. However, as Carrtier grew more hostile to everyone and less interested in the safety of other's this final point was put to the test. The two slowly grew apart after a fire, set by the both of them, grew out of control while they were still in danger. While Carrtier managed to escape without a scratch, Parah wasn't as lucky, the differences in the damage done to them turning public opinion more and more against the former. While Parah doesn't think Carrtier willingly left her to save himself the two started to grow distant. They were still friends, still close, but Parah didn't so much as say goodbye when she saw a chance at a life of adventure; leaving her best friend to fend for himself while she made a life for herself. The two have not spoken since Parah left and neither entirely know if the other is still alive.