


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Mauna (ghost name, amnesiac personality); Haziel (human name, human personality)


16-18 (physical, as the story progresses)




Ghost (officially of unknown type; banshee)


179 cm


Bisexual biromantic




Non-aging mortal


Ghost police officer (Haziel), NEET (Mauna)


 ... *nod*  

 A rare case of split personality among ghosts, though they're more like one halves of a whole. One half of him has no memories of his past life but keeps his human appearance, and the other half has every memory from his past life but has a ghostly appearance.

haziel_by_ghostmara-dbt11gz.png     Appearance  

As Mauna, he's a tall boy with dark skin and messy, short dark hair. His hair is messy in a way that looks like it's half-drying after running under the rain. He has a pointy nose and his eyes are usually wide open. He has tiny pupils, making him look startled most of the time, even if he is not.

As Haziel, he looks the same except he lacks a mouth, and his eyes are blank. Whenever he wishes to talk, his jaws have to rip his skin open in the place where his mouth would be, and as long as it's open, a black goo drips down from it along with a black smoke.


He has a peculiar case of split personality. Or, rather, he has one side of him who remembers his past life and looks more like a ghost (Haziel) and a side that doesn't remember anything about his life, has no ghostly abilities and looks entirely human (Mauna). He's uncertain about how he changes between these, but one personality doesn't share memories with the other.

That said, his actual attitude doesn't change too much between the two personalities. He's a quiet and introverted, obedient boy. Mauna, however, is far more gullible but speaks his thoughts more. Haziel is more astute but he doesn't usually talk.

While he's obedient, he doesn't enjoy being disrespected, and as Haziel, will surround himself with good people he can trust. He often looks scared (as Mauna), or even intimidating (as Haziel), but he's usually calm or good willed. It doesn't mean he can't lose his cool, though Mauna expresses his emotions better than Haziel. Neither of them is entirely good at talking about their feelings, or anything in general.

He tries to rely on his friends to help him know what the other personality does or says, but at the same time neither Haziel or Mauna take responsability for each other's actions.


While his ghost type hasn't been officially specified, he possesses banshee abilities, which are tied to his lack of a mouth in ghost form. The purpose of his ghost ability is to scream loud enough to cause damage and manipulate his own sound waves.

However, since he doesn't know much about his type, he doesn't use it for its purpose. Mauna is more prone to using it when in extreme situations, as Haziel would find a different solution before jumping to instincts.

Other than that, he's able to manipulate the dark smoke and black goo that comes out of his mouth to some extent. With practice, he can even turn that goo and smoke into arms (two big, dark arms) that he can effectively use to attack with.

Like every other ghost, he's able to phase through things, levitate, and do spooky things in general.


He suffocated in a fire.

There were other people held as hostages in a robbers' attack. Haziel had a family, even a girlfriend, but they weren't there, he was with a small group of strangers that were also hostages. While he was really scared, he was hopeful for the robbers to not really kill their hostages.

And they didn't, but a fire broke out in the building and Haziel got left behind when everyone broke free and even the robbers flew. The intense emotions that he was under before dying led him to have a weird case of split personality.

Haziel remembers everything, even the moment he died and how everything was black around him.

He was extremely shocked as he became a ghost, immediately seeking for help even through the fact that he couldn't talk very well. Unfortunately, he involuntarily switched to Mauna and had no idea where he was or what was going on, but he was filed under a memory issue case on ghosts, so he was referred to someone who would take care of it.

From people to people, he ended up looking for a certain ghost who had a similar memory issue.

That ghost was residing in a haunted house, and was supposed to do police work, but hasn't done it in a long time, ever since his memories came back so quickly. The ghost's name was Sakse, and Mauna asked for it just to be immediately corrected; Zareth was the name, apparently. Not Sakse.

They both talked for a while, and Mauna did like this guy, but there wasn't really any help being done. However, the real world was scary, so it was ok.

During that conversation, another police officer visited Zareth. Her name was Dymka, and she immediately asked a bunch of questions about Mauna.

He ended up talking to both Dymka and Zareth, and didn't have much of a clue, especially between his personality changes, even if both of his new friends were slowly understanding his own signals whenever he changed to another personality.

Haziel spends more time doing actual work, a lot of the time besides Dymka, but he also spends time with Zareth- he doesn't mind. While Mauna actively seeks for Zareth, since he's the person who makes him feel the most safe.


  • Although his condition is treated like an illness, it is not the standard human one. It's more like having unlocked features that were made available to the wrong identities.
  • However, he does dissociate sometimes. He thinks it's something he can deal with alone.
  • Doesn't feel hungry and shouldn't really eat and anything he eats tastes very strongly like if he were swallowing a block of coal.
  • As much as it looks grotesque and gruesome, opening his mouth doesn't hurt him, really. He might feel a little sore aftewards, but what's really troublesome about talking is that he needs to employ far too much strength in his jaws to manage to rip his mouth open; as soon as he manages to do it, it tries to close again. Even if he's a ghost, his muscles get tired after a while.
  • Haziel has been learning sign language because talking becomes too troublesome, but he genuinely has very few things to say.
  • Has been tentatively described as a shadow entity, despite not showing key signs of shadow abilities.
  • While he doesn't know what makes his personalities change, he generally doesn't switch personalities at work. It figures that as long as he's calm, it won't happen so suddenly.
  • Sometimes Haziel needs human disguise, and when he has it on he's in no physical way different to Mauna (that is, he has pupils and a mouth). However, as long as he has human disguise on, he will be completely mute. He can only attempt to talk if he takes his disguise off.
  • He was trans before dying; now since his body is less physical than before it molds easier he's technically cis. Because of the fact that he had the will to mold his physical presence he's also looking a bit older as time goes on, something other ghosts can't do. Mauna, of course, has no idea about this. Haziel talks about it if the topic ever comes up, but doesn't know what his family made out of him after he died.