Things you learned at an embarrassingly late age

Posted 7 years, 2 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by MiscBoardMod

I saw this thread on reddit the other day and it was an overall pretty funny thread just because of some of the things people haven't learned until much later and some people who have had the same thing happen!

Now to be clear, do NOT  make fun of ANYONE in this thread!! It's only to share funny little stories and giggles etc, but please don't be rude to others about it! Some things may be obvious to you, while it's not the same for everyone! 

As always, if there is any sensitive content that you feel may need to be blacked out, please do so!

There's not much more to add to this, so go wild!


So I've recently learned, just this morning, in fact, that uh. You can use cleaning rags to...wash dishes... Somehow, in the 15 years I've been washing dishes it just. Never occurred to me. I've been using sponges my entire dang life so when my last sponge was gone and I had nothing to use, I just sat there like "what am I going to do now??"

That's when my brother's friend, who was visiting, just went "Why not just use a rag?"

and when I asked him "You can do that???" he just gave me the most baffled look, and then I realized.


why has this never clicked

I'm. A dingus.


I swore this song was about flip flops well until i was probably 17 or 18


I've learned that many people associate rubber ducks (the bath type) with sextoys.
That's embarassing because I started to hoard them, I had like 50 ducks already, and I thought they were just cute and childish, but everyone who would see them in my room would look weird at me. 
I always have a duck with me, as a stress relief, and put it on my table during exams, and people stare at it and asks if it does vibrate. I just. I had no idea a duck could vibrate, and I had no idea anyone could have any sexual idea in mind when looking at a hecking bath duck toy.

.....doesn't matter, I still love them, and have now 400 of them.  and this does include some vibrating ones, yes, but I don't use them that way....


I didn't know how to take the train until I was a senior in high school. My classmate had to walk me through it including buying a ticket. 


I still can't really swim. I can kinda keep me up but not really swim


i didn't learn how to tie my shoelaces until i was 16... i've known how to undo them for years, but for some reason never learned how to actually tie them up until last year lmao. 


I was 100% convinced Santa was real till like... middle school ...


But seriously my mom tricked me when I was like 5 and I swore up and down I had HEARD him so he had to be real.


I always thought Final Fantasy 7 was on the Nintendo 64... until a friend on voice chat informed me otherwise. This was duing the Smash 4 Cloud reveal, so that was.... a year and a half ago. 


I learned only like a few weeks back that Capricorn is written with an r ike CapRicorn and not "Capicorn" and I feel really lied to because I used to be really into astrology AND none of my friends ever corrected me smh fake friends... 


I'd never taken a public bus until college and had no fucking idea how that shit worked.


In the same vein as Rumiiya, I never knew how the bus system worked and almost never took public buses until a year ago, where I had to take it to get to classes and learned how they work. How should I have known that I was supposed to find out which number I needed by going to the site?


 oh yeh

i only learned how to ride a subway when i first arrived in Tokyo. out of necessity obv.

i still dont know how to ride american subways. is it different? who knows


Two years ago, I learned how many holes girls actually have.
.....a female friend even did a drawing for me.