basically what thread you say is self explanatory; what memes or jokes (especially popular memes and jokes) do you see a lot that you just do not find funny at all for whatever reason


"Are you acoustic?" "I think it's restarted."
I don't think I really need to explain lol


oh there's a lot. I can not think of anything super specific so I'll summarize it. 

random scream videos (very loud), stuff that makes zero sense and doesn't tell anything at all, weird 3D animation with zero context, this one thing where the cat just vanishes with a  fade and that's the whole meme. like.. eh? What's funny about this? (it's targeted at the younger generations but. ? I see people laughing at this and its just weird)


I find most jokes funny if they’re used ironically but the “loud = funny” jokes are just not it. Pretty much anything else I’m ok with


^ Acoustic ones suck ass


the glue trap meme trend was just foul to me


agreeing with y’all on the “acoustic” and similar stuff to that; like????

i guess this is kinda similar to the ones mentioned earlier but the “i was too silly” memewith the guy in the mental hospital/psych ward, or also the “oops i said too much to my therapist; i also don’t think i need to explain this one

also the “delulu” stuff people talked about in the cringe words thread; no bitch you’re not delusional for having a crush and imaging things with your crush, delusions are actual disorders


It’s not really a joke.. but when people say “serving c….” (I’m not saying the word but it’s the C word lmao) It’s like.. what? I’m Australian and we use that word not in… a good way lmao so when people say omg serve c it’s like Uhhh THATS A FOUL WORD TO SAY BRO???? 

People here would look at you like you just said a slur 💀 and I hate that people say it all the damn time as a funny hahah omg TikTok bullcrap way. Whatever it came from idk but plz STOP 😭😭😭😭

My parents don’t even say that word and they swear in each sentence lmao 

It’s not funny nor is it a compliment honestly. As much as I hate people saying “slay” it’s better than that 


(cute couple video) "Awww im gonna go hurt myselfff" "I hope you break up" SHADDUPPPPP BE SAD AND SINGLE AWAY FROM COUPLES


yall remember the "autistic friendship" joke trend? the animations and whatnot to dinner is not over by jack stauber? the song that's about suicide and self harm? yeah that. i did not like that. (crossing my fingers hoping this isn't controversial)


I literally had no idea silly was being used in that way, but to be fair tiktok depresses the fuck out of me so I tend to not be on there - I only have very few creators I follow and its mainly Chikin Nugget and Land of Boggs. Even then I mostly see their stuff in YouTube shorts. 

Those memes sound so god awful (Acoustic/Restarted. Just say the fucking slur at that point god damn.) wonder. I saw "delulu" popping up a lot on youtube and it confused me so I am glad I know 😭 

As for memes I don't like I really don't like ones that show/imply animal abuse as a meme. I remember this one about a snake and then the girl in the next part had a string she was pulling - not the actual snake but it was implied and it made me so sick.


I'm gonna be honest towards the first one above, I personally think serious issues are fine to be portrayed with "cutesy characters" or children's media if it's done in a proper way. A lot of children's media already implies these serious issues for better or for worse. Sometimes it can bring harm (Ive seen kids books that are against transgenderism, for example), but some can properly educate children about mental health problems or racism, as in the flawed world today it's important to teach kids about these matters

Also, people may just find these cutesy characters as a medium to share their opinions. I've seen a lot of characters from children's media etc. drawn with palestine flags and watermelons in support of palestine going through the ongoing genocide.

Though when it's just blantantly done by other people as shock humour then yeah it's not very funny. We already had enough of that

Anyways jokes I don't find funny? Toilet/fart jokes n stuff like that. They make me horribly uncomfortable. This one server kept posting piss jokes and the owner even drew a friend's character straight up pissing without permission (The owner being an adult, my friend a minor) and it annoys me to death. I need to leave when I'm done with them fucking hell

Also yeah the acoustic thing. It's not only kind of offensive but also what the hell is funny about it???


"My intrusive thoughts won!! 🤪" meanwhile I never feel comfortable telling anyone what my intrusive thoughts are because now everyone associates it with impulsively dying your hair rather than horrific immoral sexual and violent thoughts. Cool that you can turn it into a trendy meme now. Obviously before that the main trivialisation of OCD in memes was the "I'm so OCD!!1!" jokes which still persist as well.

Also hate what memes have done to many other mental health issues I struggle with as well, most autism related memes come down to treating it like a "silly uwu quirky" trait and this extends to neurotypical people jokingly describing themself as "autistic" just for being passionate about certain topics or for being "quirky", it's so infuriating, I didn't live my whole childhood being called the R word just for the same people who likely used to bully autistic people turning around and treating it like a cutesy trait.

Kind of the same situation with BPD, now people just jokingly refer to themself as it without having to struggle from the actual pain it causes, and the way it destroys your entire life, but cool that you think you're a "yandere" because you have a crush on someone and without having to struggle from any of the negative traits of it, really great. 

(obviously I'm referring to when NT people use these terms as jokes to refer to certain traits, not referring to people who actually have it or actually believe they do have it for reasons other than memeable traits)

cw for mention of sh

and on the topic of the mental health discussion, I also hate memes making fun of people who self-harm. Obviously I've never partaken in such a thing and really nobody should, but the people who do engage in such behaviours need serious HELP, not mockery. I hate seeing people jokingly say stuff like "go deeper next time", or repeating the "Heh, guess I deserve it.." stereotype as a way of mocking them. It's crazy how people claim they support mental illness and yet then mock someone who shows serious signs of it, who is clearly struggling. These types of memes feel straight out of the early 2010's during the time everyone thought emos were "cringe", and they weren't funny back then either.

cw: nsfw

also any "meme" where the punchline is just sexual harrassment, e.g. "is it bubblegum pink/grippy?", "game is game" commenting "step on me mommy"/"gyatt"/"would"/etc on random women's posts, etc. 

Also hate how so many memes revolving around transness just revolve around sexualisation, e.g. all the "they/them pussy" jokes.\

Also just like anyone should really, I hate most memes that only exist to be like "OMG PORN!!" e.g. Vaporeon, Ankha dance, etc, especially when it comes to controversial NSFW content that is problematic in some way, I wish people would realise the reason this type of content is created in the first place is for shock value, by spreading it around going "OMG LOOK AT THIS!", even if it is out of disgust and specifically to hate on it, all you're doing is giving that person free advertising, and causing it to spread to the point literal children have to stumble upon it. 

and to be honest, even though I am ace I tend to not find most memes related to asexuality funny either. Most of the time they're just the same old "garlic bread, dragons, DND" jokes that feel infantilising, and whenever these memes do try to mention sex they always refer to it in an extremely childish censored way like "ew yucky horizontal tango!" which I simply feel I'm well past the age to be able to find any comedy in, and I just find communities that recycle these same couple jokes over and over again very annoying.


Agreeing with the impulsive thoughts stuff. I suffer from thoughts of horrible sexual, violent, and hateful ideas which can hinder my thinking for up to hours at a time. It's uncomfortable to talk about the stuff and it is even more so now because everyone (A portion of the internet) now associates the word impulsive with shaving your head or buying something for $10.

On topic, I personally don't like anything where the punchline in negativity. I don't know why, but I just don't. Maybe because I'm trying to slowly get away from it? Maybe.

Also, the ones where the people are showing a wholesome clip of an animal and then cut to the carcass of said animal and the cooking and eating it make me feel weird. I like animal videos; I like cooking videos. I really hate the idea of them mixing.

I also really don't like those jokes that are only there for shock. I'm basically talking about those jokes that like those 5 people who ran a monopoly on meme tiktok, God I hated those fuckers and their cult followings. I really felt like a lot of that content was instead just to push sexual content onto children. Really, you don't need to be doing a video of you pretending to suck an imaginary man off to some music for your audience who you know consists of mostly children and call it "Playing the saxophone." I'm just saying, watch in 5 years all of these guys get outed as predators and pedophiles. You may deny it now but when that time comes everyone will be saying "PK_Skeletons was right, Duster was right, it all was just an elaborate pedophile thing!" (I truly do hope I am wrong . . .) I remember seeing one and the punchline was literally "I raped a baby and then killed it." Like WHAT. WHO THE HELL FINDS THIS FUNNY. Now I get it, I was 12 years old at some point too. Maybe it is just a sign of me maturing, but I find it disgusting how people can make jokes so vulgar like that and then go on with their day. Maybe I'm too sensitive or some shit, I don't know. If I said this on any other platform I would just be called slurs


Saying a slur as someone who can't reclaim it (usually the n word and they're a non black person) like omg haha you're so funny and quirky 😐 Also the joke on TikTok where they would refer to black people as "basketball people" like...