Character Birthdays

Posted 10 months, 11 hours ago by KaiyaKaiju

Hey there!

I just thought it'd be kinda cute if we had an option (for each character) to turn on (and modify) their birthdays!

I imagine it'd default to the date they were created, but we should be able to change the date at any time :)

Then we'd get notified whenever a character of ours has a birthday, with of course having the option to turn this feature off (per character or all).

Lemme know what you think!

Thanks c:


+1 im all for it


+1 very cute


+1 while the idea wouldn't really necessarily be useful, i still think it's a cute idea


-1, seems kinda useless to me and I agree with InATrenchCoat, if I really wanted to include bday in my character's profile, I could've just easily added it by typing it on their description, no need for certain feature. :v


+1 but not really a necessity. I do like to make stuff for my OCs bdays occasionally if I’m feeling up for it, but I forget about their bdays 99% of the time.


this is such a cute ideaaa!


I would be so incredibly happy if this was a thing qwq I've tried tracking it on my own but it's hard with so many ocs and I would love a notification too because I usually forget to check



Yeah! That's me too, and exactly why I suggested it!

This IS a character hosting / organizing site afterall! I believe the feature would fit right in c:


Exactly! I know not everyone will appreciate the notifications, so an option to turn it off is a must imho c:


+1 not all for being able to change the creation date for moderation reasons and ownership proof but a yearly notification would be awesome 


+1, especially if a calendar or category was implemented on the front page of the website showcasing characters born on that day.



That's a cute idea, yeah! :D