Do style tags count as "Stylesheets"?

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by SchwarzerAlptraum

We always refer to < style > ... < / style > as "inline styles", so I thought that was allowed for HTML users.

Unless my character profile broke halfway through editing, and I missed something stupid.


Yes, but that means you can't use class. It's tedious and annoying. If that's a Premium feature, and someone just closed a loophole, then so be it.


I meant my own styles. If you have to put the same style in every div, it gets tedious. So you use can use an inline style tag to define the class styles and reference them with class attributes later. It worked until I made another edit and then it just stopped working.


And it appears that some inline styles are blacklisted. Can't change display, or border-radius for example. Is there a list for that somewhere?


th uses bootstrap - you can use bootstrap classes in your html! you cannot create custom classes without premium membership

certain inline styling does not work - border radius & overflow are the two most noticeable. for border radius you can use the bootstrap class "rounded" to to give a slight rounded edge (or just use card divs which have slightly rounded corners), for overflow you can use the bootstrap class "table-responsive."
display should work, i'm not sure what you're trying to do but if you're having troubles you can use the bootstrap classes "d-block", "d-inline" & "d-inline-block"

but if you just wanted to make your own classes then you'd need to have premium ! when you have it, you get a second box on your edit page that allows you to create a stylesheet