Show me your killers!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 7 years, 21 days ago) by unused-account

Okay, so this is my first time making a thread, if I mess anything up, let me know ;7;

But anyway, I want to see your little murderers, serial killers, assassins, and yanderes!~ I have a weakness for these kinds of characters, show 'em off to me!


Kenzie enjoys killing for pleasure and for money. Mostly for money. He doesn't care for humanity, nor for anyone except for his lover and sometimes his brother. Consequences? He cares little for them. 

Jo is pretty much a hitman.

Axerian kills because he wants to and needs to. Being death's executioner is good work.



Created and raised for war. These two saw the brunt of a ten year conflict and participated in the genocide it concealed. Did they know better? Absolutely. Do they care? No, they followed orders. All they cared about was to be in the spotlight of their creators. Anything to please their human masters. It did not end well and they seem to blame anyone but themselves.


I've got soooo many omfg






aaaaand technically Akiko

I do technically have more, but these are my more established ones

Vivi money

this is my terrible baby yandere kjasdfl

Vivi's 'in love' with a guy and has him pretty much perfectly wrapped around her finger, and she makes him aid her in kidnapping and killing people. She always does it to people who have messed with her (even slightly), or just because she's jealous of them. 

Her end goal is to kill herself and then the guy so they can be together forever in an afterlife

Besides that she loves to draw and play the violin?

 Ashe Stareater

Ashe is an assassin.

Igaku unused-account

Dropping my new child! Give em love and they won't poison you~



7. Ray Heavenly_Graphite

My little Sunray kills people with ✨SCIENCE✨ (he's an electro-physicist who's an on-and-off hitman for his sister)


Also just got this assassin kiddo

Bridgely Brimstone Bum_Bear

Bridgley is the cowardice owner of a well known trading company of his father's creation. He does not physically kill his victims by his own hands, but instead lock and loads the gun which will ultimately kill them. Having an extreme hatred for predatory animals due to his inferiority complex, he own a plethora of slaves that fall under that category holding an abundance of slaves from the Felidae family as his complex stems from a Bengal Tiger of an opposing company. He keeps them in piss poor living conditions, does not allow them to have proper meals which often time can lead to cannibalism amongst his slave population, and causes them to fight one another for his own amusement. A symbol of his superiority over them. His treatment of them and lack of concern over their lives is what makes him a murderer. Very few can stand up to him as the law perfectly allows one to do as they want to their property and slaves being an extended form of property no legal action can be made against him. Hence why I find this aristocrat to be a murderer. Hope this counts :P.

Strawberry Cream varkarrus

Strawberry Cream seems cute and sweet at first but betrays her boss and is actually an unrepentant murdererous vampire who will stop at nothing to gorge herself on blood.

Disclaimer: her nature is not glorified, romanticized, or sexualized in any way. She's not an "uwu cute babee sinammon roll~" she's a villain that the protagonists team up to defeat. She's meant to be loved as a character but not as a person.

Oberos Ekleip Zeda

Oberos tends to follow the 'charming and gentlemanly, loves and is fiercely loyal to those he cares for, and eats people on the side' trope. XD I blame a lifetime of considering Silence of the Lambs to be my favourite movie. He's a man with his own twisted and very selective moral code, and I find it fascinating to explore a character who is on one hand so loving and devoted to his friends and family, and on the other, such a callous and remorseless murderer.

Zepherin* Myota

Zepherin here got sick and tired of the world-wide status quo so he designed a handy-dandy reset button for all of earth in the form of a virus that would wipe out a good 75% or so of the population, thus creating a new dark age from which a more cooperative and successful human culture would be born. So, he's a mass murderer with an actual goal that lets biological weapons do the killing for him.