Where are the villains at??? I’ll go first, here’s Solly!

Mayu AlmondGames

I feel like I haven't posted mayu in 5ever so. MAYU SWEEP

Saida endiria

while the "main villain" technically is Arevalte, his daughter Saida works much better as a (tragic) villain
Arevalte is a chaotic spiritual being that is not really evil-evil himself, Saida is sociopathic bitch completely devoted to her magical daddy
she's horrible, but makes a cool villain-ish character

Maxanthus pelcrow

yippee!! here's Maxanthus! he's the leader of a government enterprise that says they want to better the universe but they really just want total rule and power

Chlodwig Szalony its_olsomm

not quite a villain? very gray character!!he has.. issues.... and in the dnd campaign that I'm playing he's the traitor of the group

⚖️ Mariam 🗡 mmmeatbat

this lovely senior lady!! she's definitely up to no good but hey shes got her own reasons. god forbid a woman gets in a position of power smh

???/Darkness Cat Rubycraft_OCs

Oh yeah, forgot about this guy. He's the main antagonist of the story he's in, and probably one of my better villain characters. Still developing his motives and goals tho

Nicky Penname CountryHorror

Evil lil thang, gonna kidnap the previous mayor of toontown

Lord Tenebris DCLXVI CaptainRobi

If Crystalion learns of celestial beings or entities responsible for the very existance of the universe, Tenebris will do anything to kill em and destroy the universe. He just wants things to end for all of us. :)