


4 years, 3 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Valteri Aareton
Birthday: unknown
Age range: unknown, most likely 5-10 younger than Silorind; after the accident in 1866 becomes kind of ageless immortal being
Species: halcylian, arhi-halcylian (white Light)
Family: Saida- daughter, many other children
Height: about 190 cm
Nationality: Finnish
Occupation: the one very special halcylian who calls himself the chosen one to change the world into a holy kingdom of the Light; main danger in the story
Status by the end of the main story: ???

Short description + story

Arevalte is a kind of main villain in the story, but he certainly isn't a pure evil creation that wants chaos and blood. In current time he appears as mysterious spirit imprisoned in the mine where Amaralf and his team work.
In the past he was deeply associated with Silorind, who was his ally and friend, and who later became his enemy. He is one of two most skilled and unique halcylians of XIXth century (the second is Silorind). He has specific individual power that makes him the most powerful halcylian in his times - he can manipulate other kinds of energy, for example taking control over other halcylians' alheers (Lights), taking it from them, "implanting" to other elements of the world.

Arevalte always believed in a legend saying that halcylians are the only one beings that should live on Earth and people are just mere substitutes, due to an error in a kind of "destination system" when the planet was created (because every object in the universe has its own destination system and it's calling enevan, nvm it's a long story probably made up by some drunk medieval halcylians). This belief is more popular in next years because Arevalte spreads it over the world and some halcylians are willing to consider it as truth. He always believed that he is the chosen one to fix it - and that's the key to Arevalte's goals.

For him only the halcylians are the proper race, race of the rulers, the most precious beings in the universe, and basically nothing but halcylians matter. And what's wrong with such thinking? Arevalte never considered ordinary people as people, he only used them in his experiments and treated more like animals, never respected their superiority. Of course he wanted to get rid of them, but he knew that it's not possible since there aren't enough halcylians in the world to start a war with other people. So his goal wasn't just to kill people. His dream was to implant the root of the Light to the Earth. And this (what probably sounds weird) is his main goal. Even after his "death" he stills seek to make it real. But what does it even mean?

First of all, Arevalte is not an alive human being  since 1866 - in this year Silorind decided to get revenge on him (for one specific thing that he did and what hurt him the most). But Silorind, instead of killing him, halved him, separated his Light and "parts of a soul" from his body, thinking that it would be better punishment that death. He imprisoned this "spirit" in the mine and guarded him (or rather guarded the lands from him). Arevalte was staying completely "inactive" for next 20 years, but then his part started to be able to collect the energy again. It discovered that it is still able to come back to life in a new mighty spiritual form - if it gains the proper amounts of pure energy from other alive beings. And Arevalte knew it's gonna take decades, but he didn't care about it - in this form he was basically immortal.

In this moment Arevalte hired Alfard for being his Servant and showed him a way to find some magical tools to help him. His duty was to collect the energy for his Master (he was able to take it from alive beings and send it through his tool - the Wheel) to make him "alive" again. Arevalte thinks that when it'll happen, he finally will be able to "heal" the planet: infect the land with the Light, make it a place for halcylians only, breed more halcylians and slowly infect the useless ones. Basically he dreamed about make the planet a clear and blessed place where even the ground has the Light roots in it.
Arevalte also believes that he also has his Master and he sent him to the Earth specially for this task. (It's going to be explained in the sequel that the Master's figure is actually Saugol but he didn't literally send him, he sketched him in a specific timeline)

Arevalte's goal IS NOT to become a god or to be appreciated, he's somewhat selfless in this, he doesn't seek for "personal attention". He only wants to make the planet as it "should be" due to the legend he knows from his own Master. He sees himself as a kind of Messiah, but he doesn't expect to be praised. He would do everything for a single halcylian and this "minority" is just everything for him - he doesn't want to hurt them. From this side he shouldn't be considered as such 100% evil villain, especially that even during his actions against people he doesn't evince cruelty (unlike his daughter). Unfortunately - Arevalte can't always control his actions. After Arevalte comes back, he is not even aware of the harm he does to people (and even, in some way, halcylians too) - he is no longer able to feel emotions, he became more like machine, a monster that unconsciously transfers too much energy everywhere. 
With Alfard's(and accidentally Amaralf's) help he recovers to a form of a more conscious spirit (recalling his old appearance) - and he starts to play with the powers he accumulated through the decades. Ester, who knows he is a danger, surprisingly - even for halcylians, is the one who tries to stop him and "clean" the whole nature from his traces. But Arevalte keeps growing. He's a spiritual being, still with no actual body, just a "projection". After he becomes strong enough - after 20 years of Alfard's hard work - he releases himself from the undergrounds, he implements his conscious part in the big forest, where he tries to "adapt" to the world again. Seems like Arevalte is everywhere and his mind can't control what his "branches" are doing. Arevalte's expansion results in temperature change, intensified growth of plants, weird mutations, small earthquakes, explosions and... infecting people. It's not really what he wanted to achieve.


As a regular human-like being, when he still was alive, he already seemed to be completely obsessed with the high halcylian ideology. He strongly believed he's the chosen one to make a better world for halcylians and that was his only point in life. He used to act in weird way, to emphasize he's not like mere humans, never showed any strong emotions. He was totally devoted to creating new inventions and cared only about halcylian people. He had no empathy for other beings, that's why he "used" ordinary people's lifes so easily. Despite him rarely showing emotions, it's very possible that Arevalte had some kind of obsession over Silorind and often was jealous about him. Arevalte's physical life ended when he was in his 50s.
In his ultimate, spiritual form he is basically not able to feel anything, but he slowly starts to "gain" some feelings after he meets Saida again. It seems like he's not as vicious as he used to be (even tends to call himself merciful) - he doesn't even want to get rid of normal people, he wishes that he could make... halcylians out of them. It is technically impossible, but he experiments with it even now, believes that he is kind of god that can create halcylians by implementing the alheer element to alive beings. He states that getting rid of people only and leaving halcylians alive is even more impossible, though actually he would love if such catastrophe happened.


Silorind - his ally, his rival, depends of the time. The second mightest halcylian of the century who had two unique abilities, the one that young Arevalte was quite jealous about. His co-worker and enemy at the same time.
Their relations are very complicated and they often change during their life. In 1866 Arevalte blackmailed Elmo Bertil to kill Lucia, Silorind's only love, and that made Silorind absolutely mad - in this moment he started to hate both Arevalte and Beril family (yet he was aware that Elmo just had no other choice, since Arevalte threatened him that he will kill his whole family if he won't do this). Even though Elmo killed Lucia, Arevalte didn't wanted to keep the word and attempted to kill Elmo's wife. Silorind managed to save her and promised that he will take a revenge on Arevalte. He used some advanced alheer procedures - and literally broke him into pieces. He didn't kill him, he just halved him (thinking it will be worse than death), making his mind and alheer element separated from the body - and imprisoned this "something" deep in the mine. 30 years later he regrets what he has done, being aware that he still gave Arevalte a chance to "resurrect" himself (with the help of Servant) and turn into something even more powerful than he was. Silorind states that he didn't really know what process he put him through in that moment - and he had no idea that Arevalte will ever be able to end up so powerful like this. On the other hand, Silorind... is clearly impressed of his own creation. He literally made a person immortal. And this is NOT something halcylians are able to do. When Arevalte is awakened, Silorind wants to prevent him from growing more and get rid of him, but he seems to know that he just won't do much here.
Elmo - in the past he was Silorind's friend who used to accompanying them. He was just a human, but Silorind let him get closer to halcylians' specific features and abilities - what outraged Valte. When Silorind felt something to Lucia, who also was just a ordinary girl, he decided to use Elmo to kill her (because he stated that halcylian shouldn't be in love with a human + he wanted to get rid of Elmo). He blackmailed him saying that he will kill his family if he won't do it. This is the thing that made Silorind hating Valte (he actually hated him more than Elmo who was the killer). It's very possible that Arevalte was simply jealous about Silorind and Elmo's relationship and the high halcylian ideology had nothing to do with it - it was more like a personal thing. Elmo couldn't cope with this whole situation and it led him to committing a suicide a few years later; the fact was completely unknown for the whole family besides his son Albrikt and his wife Michaela, Amaralf discovered this over 20 years later.

Ester - After discovering Silorind's secrets, Ester is fully aware of that who is Arevalte and what are his main goals.  Arevalte tends to claim that besides from him and Silorind there also lives third halcylian who is so special, powerful and has a big meaning for the world. He is sure that it's Ester, but for all the time he doesn't know why - there is nothing really special about Ester's powers. Valte never knew her personally, but he meets her once, when he's still a spirit imprisoned underground. And then something unusual happens - because he accidentally "splits" his own part and "infects" Ester with his energy. In this moment Ester really becomes a very powerful being because she literally loses her limits in using her Light. It's kinda like Arevalte strenghthen his rival by himself. That's why Ester is literally the only hacylian who doesn't have the automatic "limit". Surprisingly, it also helps her to heal (for example, her wounds on her back disappeared soon after this happened).
Ester is the one who Silorind chose to protect the world from Arevalte, so she is basically Arevalte's main enemy now. Ester knows what kind of process can stop Arevalte from expanding himself and infecting the world with too powerful Light essence - but she needs all her halcylians to unite and work together. It is really not that easy... as there are... a lot of conflicts in Braivada right now. Ester compares Arevalte to a huge octopus whose head knows what it does, but the tentacles remain unaware and live its own life.

Saida - one of his "experimental children".  He was raising her with his other "experimental children" until she turned 10-11. He was mainly teaching her the high halcylian theories and treated her just as the other children - without any feels, he only praised her when she perfectly absorbed the whole ideology. In her adult life she still remembers about him - he became kind of god for her, he's her biggest master and she doesn't believe he could die many years ago. Sometimes she talks to him, hoping to be heard, but of course never gets an answer. After Arevalte comes back to life, she becomes completely devoted to him and helps him with everything, still wishing to get his praise. She seems to be obsessed with him.
At first Arevalte doesn't really care about the fact she came back to him, but later he starts to appreciate it. He even seems to be proud of her, because she's the only one halcylian who believed that he still exists and really cared about all the things he learned her in the past - in his eyes she is the example of a perfect halcylian. Saida helps him with his "reviving", though it costs her a lot. When a horrible accident happens and Saida unconsciously kills 7 halcylians, Arevalte - which is quite surprising - is able to forgive her.
Later he wants her to "repeat" all the process he came through, wishing to make her such powerful and almost immortal being like him.

Alfard - his servant that he personally chose many years ago. For all this time he used to despise him and even regret his decision about having a servant, but in the end he becomes satisfied with his work. Alfard collects the energy for him by using his magical tool to make him a kind of alive being again. Arevalte claims that he didn't set up the rules of their contract, it's a rule that was appointed by his own Master (which is very unclear for Alfard). He even thinks that personally he wouldn't punish Alfard for all the forbidden things because he doesn't really care about the way he acts, Arevalte seems to feel tired by his servant's incompetences - and becomes really surprised when Alfard finally gains the proper amount of power for him. Probably both of them have stopped to believe that the mission can be completed... but when Amaralf commits some horrible mistake and Alfard finally gets motivation, a miracle happens.

Other info

- The golden disc in Alfard's Wheel was Valte's property since he was a child. Even he doesn't know where did he get it. The whole Wheel and the other tools were created by him and Silorind in the past. According to Silorind, young Arevalte was once washed ashore with the Disc in his hands and no one knew where did he come from.
- He has heterochromy, his left eye is blue and right one is black. Lower part of his hair is silver.
- The most significant Arevalte's attribute is Vederlilen, a big stick which helps transferring the Light's roots. It gets destroyed by Ester, but he recreates it with Saida's help. Vederlilen II turns out to be a failed invention that is very dangerous - when Saida wanted to present it, it accidentally killed 7 other halcylians.
- Arevalte is literally Ariamon's great-grandfather