Headcannons for Headcannons

Posted 16 days, 9 hours ago by Delusional

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Hello hello 👋 

I don't know very many people here, but as of today, I recently got a big dreamie of mine and also am in the process of submitting my art internationally for the first time! Accomplishments, yes. Finals are hitting hard💀

I've seen a few people do this, but I really wanted to do my own with a few goobers on the brain arrrre :

Phædra Cyhir                     PEROXIDE

Sinclair Calloway               Strayed 

Cyclone                               Candi 

JIG-SAW                             Catharsis

I'll respond to people with the exact amount of headcannons provided or more. I'll be sure to add to the character's profiles so there's baseline information ;) ! Thank you in advance!


Catharsis strikes me as the type who would, if possible, go swimming to hunt for those batteries that people throw into the ocean. Not because it cleans up the environment but because if people are just gonna throw em away- No harm in taking them right?

Strayed strikes me, as the type who when being confronted about necromancy/collecting bones/etcetera sort of just responds with 'But they aren't using it anymore? What's the problem?' While understanding the moral implications, the practicality of leaving assets unused is dumb.

Peroxide seems like the type who, when first landing here and trying to determine the best way to make a life, whether that be because he was stranded or came here intentionally, saw how the fans of idols fawn over them and will do practically anything for them and was like. PERFECT. I can both survive quite easily like this, but also gain a small army of devoted fans. 


If you opt to do anything for any of my characters I have currently available, I don't particularly have a preference, as I only have a few of them visible right now due to re-writing a lot.



It's a bit hard to write for them, but I could see them getting more or less coagulated in according to their emotions. Anger leaves it to buble up and possibly push off the cork, sadness makes it soupy/liquidy, etc. 

Bonus: probably has added 1/4 of the views to this video and others similar to it. 


madrigal23l the little car battery thought has me giggling. I don't know if he can swim, but if he can, he definitely collects them because they're silly/somewhat useful.


Sinclair seems very stoic and irritable to others who get in his way. There's so many unholy vermin these days that he wants to smite them all down. His blood boils a bit at the thought of them, and I feel like he has a rare coping mechanism of singing in a very strong manner. You can hear it revertabraying in his chest, you can feel the raw emotions pouring out of him. I feel like he sounds exactly like this where it feels like a sorrowful ballad before slashing through the wretched, filthy souls of the damned.

When stressed, he sheds his feathers really bad. I feel like he's not along the lines of picking or plucking, but his body responds to stress by internalizing it. Body aches, headaches, nausea along the lines of slight indigestion and fatigue that leaves him dead asleep the second his head hits the pillow.


Pia definitely bakes with some magic and such, but I feel like they pursue things like love potions and subtle aphrodisiacs to put in her lover's food on date night. Nothing that's considered illegal or wrong, but just to meet the mood. She gets so frustrated studying and daydreaming that she has to ensure some more spicy actions take place. She seems like a switch who, on the rare occasion, is a really good service top. 

Bonus : subconsciously thrusts her foot on the ground when she's thinking hard or pouting like thumper from Bambi



God I love all of these, thank you! 

I assume, for the song choice, you specifically mean Odysseus. Or do you mean the prophet? Regardless I love the concept but just out of sheer curiosity I wanted to ask. Lol.

Also, the bonus one is such a cute little thing and I feel totally in character, especially with this new body not having originally been hers so she doesn't have control over all of its tics etc. So doing that into immediate shut up no I didn't.



I feel like when he's singing it's more along the lines of tbe prophet. He needs to be perfect and pure that he doesn't know who he is without it. 

When he's yelling or giving commands though, I can imagine the rasp of Odyssey's "WHOOO?!"


I don't know if you're still game for more. However, I've got two little ones I thought of and wanted to share. 

Cyclone, as mentioned in the profile, doesn't really care for the one they were cloned from. But I imagine there's a bit of curiosity about Mew-Two, whoever that'd be in your lore. As they too are a clone, a more imperfect one in that they cannot be classified as the same species however still a clone. 

And Jigsaw strikes me as the type who sorta just... doesn't know how to clean themselves after a spree? Not in a like, not literally knowing how to do it but more in the sense of. Don't wanna just use water cause that could cause rust or damage electronics. With the currently equipped hand-substitutes it's kinda hard to grab and hold a towel. What with one being a buzzsaw iirc.



I haven't thought about mew-two mainly because I feel like it's difficult to clone people enough as it is, but in a world of gijinkas, it somehow seems more complicated. I think there's more rumors around the possibility rather than an actual person like a false criptid situation.

I don't know I'd you've seen MURDER DRONES but their hands/weapons are actually really retractable and often switch depending on the robot's combat style. It DOES make sense though that he'd not be the most hygienic lmao



✨️ NUNAE ✨️

Sometimes, she'll take off the necklace and carefully spin it around on its chain like a jump rope. The gem/pendant itself seems pretty important, but she needs something to fidget with so she doesn't exact in more self destructive behavior like skin/nailbed picking. Definitely has short but somehow well-kept nails.

Colorblind. With them looking like a ram or sheep, it makes sense to me that she is a very good marksman because she's red-colorblind. Naturally, most livestock only see in yellow-ish green / bluish-purple spectrum that sometimes comes out as grey. She doesn't see most colors that are heavily depicted in red, so it sounds like a bunch of bull when someone assesses it.

BONUS : has a weird phobia around sheer-like tools. Pliers, specialty blades and branding sticks silently make her a bit queasy when they're within 2 meters/6 feet.



Okay, I adore the colorblind addition. And am, 100% making that canon because omfg. I'll likely extend that to her son too, whose profile is currently hidden.


I think that Sinclair is really into smooth jazz. It started as a bit of a joke coz one day he found a jazzercise DVD in a bargain bin somewhere and thought it looked hilarious but actually the soundtrack was bangin and it has been a guilty pleasure of his ever since


Aarix which character did you want me to write the headcannon for?


Anyone who catches your eye :)