Would she eat your OC??

Posted 14 days, 22 hours ago by Lycorice DndManatee

Wanted to try one of these interaction threads, and my new-ish character Lycorice seemed like a good fit! 

For those who don't know, her species (Majins from Dragon Ball) has the ability to turn people into candy and eat them. Lycorice here also has the ability to sense people's morality, and only likes to eat those who give off a lot of dark/evil energy.

Sooo would she be interested in your character? Drop 'em below and find out (and I'll maybe include some extra details like what candy they'd get turned into too)!


I’m so curious— Fiz is a pretty morally ambiguous guy and I’m always interested in how people interpret his behaviour and actions >:]

Ffion-Ellen Hughes Ribbit-Frog

Hey, another character who's favourite meal is evildoers! Perhaps they can be friends, or maybe they'll be enemies?