Willorian Species

Posted 3 months, 20 days ago (Edited 3 months, 20 days ago) by Vera

There are many creatures other than the Langurhali which live in and around Willora. These are the species I've made sheets of thus far, some don't have names yet, bear with me!


The Gorrox is a swamp/Forgotten Forest species similar to buffalo, wildebeest and warthog. 6-8 ft at shoulder on average. 2 big front claw-like hooves for digging and sparring. Very chill and relaxed species unless with young or a male during rut. They also panic when they feel threatened and may stampede. But you can approach them in the wild otherwise and they behave similarly to a cow. Single, thick horn is flat on front and often scuffed from marking trees. Can be tamed and used for hauling, but not great for riding.


Thus far unnamed horse/giraffe/kamori goat inspired valley and plains species. Mostly feed on the leaves of a particular tree whose ripest leaves are near the top, so they are able to stand on their hind legs to reach them. Long neck, tall hindquarters and long torso assist in reaching high vegetation and running. Mane sail and wattle regulate temperature. They are always the warmest part of the body and filled with blood. They have difficulty keeping warm even with their sail so they tend to hibernate with others often in nearby caves or in dens dug out and abandoned by other creatures. Otherwise, they're a loner species. Highly wild and aggressive and stubborn as a mule so to speak, but when tamed make excellent steeds for the Langurhali due to their speed and in the winter they may not need to hibernate if kept warm so they are particularly useful as steeds during the winter due to their excessive release of body heat. They have a loud call that sounds like a rooster with horse neigh at the end, and when given residence they can become extremely territorial and call when an intruder is present, which can be beneficial or extremely annoying, depending on your living situation and how often you expect guests. Not very strong or good for carrying heavy creatures/packs but can walk for very long distances without needing rest or food or water with a rider who isn't too heavy.