Make an Assumption On The Above Style... Part 2!

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 19 days ago) by celestiials

The old thread got locked and the original mod did say that the thread could be remade sooooo yeah!

Copy-pasting the old post (with some edits) since I feel like that was enough-


Just like in the image, make a super specific assumption about the person above based on their art style!!!!!  

  • The only rules are to be specific and to actually do it!!!! 
  • If you can't figure out something, wait until a person posts who you can claim! 
  • If you can't view the profile of whoever posted, wait until a person posts who you can view the profile of!! 
  • If you're found to be breaking any of the rules, I'll PM you, or comment on your profile, and you'll get a strike! I'll make a list once one is necessary! Thanks!
  • (EDIT: April 16) There's now a minimum sentence limit, 2 sentences! Do not split one long sentence into two short sentences to get around this. Nobody will be punished in retrospect, but please keep this in mind while writing your claims in the future! 
Since the last poster on the old thread was @/DetrimentalDoc, please claim them to start the thread off! ^^

- You did/do draw on homework assignments, and probably have some old homework just because you like the drawings on them

- You feel like you had a Roblox phase, probably a Warrior Cat phase too

- Your bit of western themed art makes me feel like you would enjoy attending rodeos. You've probably played RDR or at least would like to 

  • You are a relatively serious person and were kind of the quiet kid in school??
  • I feel like you love anatomical or botanical art and were kind of inspired by that, I kind of get the vibe you are/were pretty studious or academic
  • You loove historical settings and you're a big reader of novels, or you enjoy movies/shows set between the 1700-1900s...

- was into harry potter as a kid. something about the art style...

- generally bookish with some shows thrown in there. 

- was also into percy jackson...

- defininately into like, more out there styles like alt or goth etc etc. both by the characters you draw but also your style in general. 

- you look like you either use clip studio or procreate. 


- Reads a lot of manga, maybe specifically action, fantasy and slice of life type manga from the late 2000s to the 2010s

- Has a lot of projects that you're planning on making into full-fledged manga series someday 

- Had a warrior cats phase that never truly left (or still likes WC), and watched a lot of those classic old warrior cat MAPs

- Might be into anime-styled webtoons, or at least one specific webtoon

- Was into the animation meme community when you were younger

- Likes either the dark or light academia aesthetic (or maybe both!)

- Makes a lot of headshot / bust sketches of characters on your homework, and generally doodles in class whenever given the chance


-You where/are very into Greek/roman mythology and or culture 

-You probably have a big nose irl (Which is very cool!) and you wanted your art to reflect a part of you, or you just really like drawing them :)

-Owl house and dhmis phase probably also welcome home?

-Probably also really into medieval culture and art as well


sorry this took so long :[

-you probably were into manga or comics at some point


-you watch youtube indie animations

-you own a dog or two, maybe a cat 

i really like your art btw, its so cool


- You owned a bunch of water colored children's books where the characters were completely drawn in wise but never colored in cleanly so their characters colors would bleed in the background.

- You were the type of kid to watch that fnaf Disney style animation on YouTube religiously. It inspired your style and your hyper fixation 

- You probably owned a few Disney DVDs back in the day and would always watch the behind the scenes just to watch them flip the page back and forth flip book style

- Jungle book was probably really scary to you as a kid, but you learned to love it.


V Oh my god. That's like, almost exactly everything ToT The only iffy bit is the Deviant art part but I did have an account and post occationally ToT Geebus


- You grew up watching Cartoon Network; it was your go-to animation TV channel and you loved it above all else.

- You were also into web animation, specifically those from the 2000's.

- At some point, you might've been pretty active on DeviantArt.

- You didn't watch a lot of anime but you were interested in the medium.

Art examples OyaZumi

- you probably have a webtoon, or have read some! Your style definitely reminded me of some webtoons, and bruh, frfr

- you probably have watched some/a lot of tutorials on YouTube. Idk why, I had some vibes, maybe I'm wrong, I'm too dumb😭 but yeah

-you probably is struggling with backgrounds (I do a lot help-)

/my art section is just full of mess arts and doodles, here is my normal artstyle in IC!