post your oc and let users assume things abt them

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 4 months ago) by  xavier vinnys

!! 9/12/22 i have muted this thread. please dm me for assistance !!

post your oc and let users assume things about them !!

or, if you’re feeling extra silly, have your IC assume something about the other oc !! 

based off of the trend i’ve seen on tiktok, this seemed like something fun to move here !! if there’s already a thread for this thing, please let me know and i’ll take this one down. i’m not in the forums too often, so i don’t tend to see all the active threads T__T

here’s how it works:

user 1: (starts off with IC)
(IC) user 2: “i think they…they seem like…”
(IC) user 3: “i think they….”

assumptions can be made blindly (by avatar/name or quick glance) or with detail, feel free to specify which one you’d like !!!

 basic rules:

★ please wait at least 2 people before going again with the same character (X / you / X / X / you)

be kind. do not make racist, homophobic or otherwise prejudiced or rude assumptions. yes, this also applies for overly sexual assumptions in nature.

★ please contact me if you find yourself having any issue with a user here; i will get to it as fast as i can !!

i’ll be starting this thread off with xavier !!

vv those are just TOO cute AWUEGH the flowers in his hair are natural and part of his species, but i can totally see him being gifted some fake ones to wear in the winter when his real ones wilt off !!
🐺 Edgar 🐺 zw3ihanders

Claim! starb3rr1

- For some reason he strikes me as someone that own a machine gun xD

- Proud to be pisces uwu

- Strikes me as someone the knows how to play an instrment... perhaps guitar?

- Absolutely loves very spicy food!

- Only wears dark colors, rarely seen with wearing something else xd

- Big party animal tbh!

Geo Erevus

Claim zw3ihanders

-unironically uses the term “alpha wolf” 

-bad vision came from never wearing sunglasses

-would probably run full speed into a dangerous-looking cave

-knows every constellation (and will lecture you if you get one wrong)

-almost burned himself while messing around with candles


v Omg why do these make so much sence

Lt. Dynamo Oregon_or_the_Grave

Claim Erevus

-Their tail rattles when they are worried.

-Their head can rotate 360°, but can not get any further away from their ‘neck’.

-Huge fan of spicy foods- to the point that its almost concerning how much they can tolerate.

-May look rather scary, but they’re actually quite shy.

-Can and will drink a juice box, whilst still looking cool (especially if it’s fruit punch <3)

Petra zidanetribal

-a big enjoyer of black tea. strictly no coffee though

-guy who is super behind on technology (somehow, in a universe like star wars). the kinda guy to call their son to come over and tell them how to connect to the "wee-fee"

-speaking of son... idk they look like a dad to me? probably has an only child

-a clean freak who likes their things kept in order. one thing out of place and they'll get snappy

-while they are behind on a lotta tech, they certainly are not behind on the liberal use of explosives. woohoo!

-seems like they would be quite sentimental about the past, unsure why but bro trust me

credence acosta pyjamac

-she tries to appear tough to a degree which makes her closed off to people

-pretty proper-like. she's gritty and un-prissy, but she's kind of straight-laced.

-she's a naturally quiet person, feels comfortable sitting in silence, and when spoken to usually answers with as few words as possible

-very very cynical, untrusting of strangers. believes everyone has an ulterior motive because, well, she does.

-real serious about a good meal

Nicky Penname CountryHorror

-He looks like he's a lil cleric cursed by star powers,,,, and good heavens above he is not gonna let that get him down!

-Forest hermit, partially due to aformentioned star powers (it's a better view out there anyway)

-Has not eaten bread before. Very sad

-He can do a cartwheel and is just a short lil guy so it looks a bit funny

-One time he went on a pirate ship. He does not know why

-The pirates were nice to him though cause they didn't know how to read maps

William Jack Eclipse Awake_Ache

- She adores the hyperpop aestetic but cannot draw in it 

- Will never be caught inside a gas station. 

- Favroite fruits are lemons just because of the funny nosies people make when you give them a lemon to eat

- A southern accent that sounds very fake but is her actual voice

- Fully believes that humans can regrow their arms like starfish

- Will fight others on this

-has yet to be convinced otherwise