-Alex-'s Profile Comments

This site is now starting to give me a bit of nostalgia. Mostly when I go look through the forums. The way it looks, mostly.

TH's community is scaring me. I need to stop looking at profiles and stop being too active in the forums. I need to prevent being triggered by do not intract lists somehow.

please. take a break. i dont know you, but if this place is affecting you negatively, you need to go. at least for now. take a break.

I like your profile picture :D

Thank you! :,)

peepee poopoo



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I don't trade or sell characters. Sorry. 

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Thank you. :0

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No problem.

Thanks for the favorite!

No problem!

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Thank you! :0

Though, I can't find the link to either bases?

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Oh. At least you helped me here lol.

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TUFF Puppy. 

I thought that a character from that show's voice would fit an oc as a voice claim all of a sudden. But it didn't but remembered that Keswick existed. I love him. 


Welcome to hell, my bastard.

*excited bastard noises*

*pat pat*

Thanks again for the code!

Also oof, I put pikmim

You can change usernames here.

Yeah but you have to wait for a month



Thanks again for the code, bro!


Hi just wanted to drop by and say your icon is A++

Thanks, man.

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Np and thanks! ^^

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finally wrote my prompt on the dinner thread! sorry if i'm quite slow today ;w;

It's ok!