Team Intuition

∙ • Team Intuition • ∙

∙ The Air Type ∙

Team Intuition is comprised of individuals who most align with an air-type personality. Like air, the individuals within Team Intuition are ever-present and breathtakingly turbulent. Members of this team are highly intelligent and thoughtful, providing both logical and emotionally driven advice when asked for. They are observant and wonderful listeners, who seek knowledge and the answers to all of life's mysteries and secrets. These individuals embody the importance of communication and understanding and see every individual as beautiful and worthwhile. Though members of Team Intuition provide space for communication and praise the individuality of their peers, members of the team may also tend to be silent and standoffish, preferring solitude over social connections. Members of this team may also be hesitant or untrusting of others or new opportunities, leading to them losing out on strong relationships and bonds. Many members of this Team may also be self-ordained martyrs, sacrificing their mental and physical health for the health and happiness of others around them, leading them to feel undeserving and unworthy of attention; even selfish.

∙ • Traits • ∙

Code by 00Ishikawa00