Sebastian & Cal



3 years, 4 months ago


Sebastian & Cal





5'4 -ish


Profile Link

Design Notes


  • Okay with...
  • Outfit Changes
  • Light angst
  • Joke/meme art
  • Not okay with...
  • NSFW
  • Heavy angst
  • Stuff
  • Design Notes
  • Seb's glasses and necklace and Cal's necklace aren't optional!
  • Seb's tattoos if visible aren't optional
  • Cal always wears red sneakers and Seb always wears blue


  • Hiker AU! See dynamics tab for more info
  • Watching dumb movies together - she loves Fast and Furious and he loves anything with sharks
  • Playing video games together - in-game Animal Crossing avatars? Yes please.
  • Autumn vibes!
  • Listening to the radio together! This is their favourite activity and the thing that brought them together origianlly <3
  • Wedding themed stuff - it was a small outdoor wedding and very cute
  • Working on their conspiracy board - their focus is aliens generally. Nothing political please!
  • Holiday themed scenes - they go all out for every holiday!
  • Matching jackets! They have the Skywatch Radio logo and their caller names on the back. Design (minus their names) is here
  • Music themed stuff - using lyrics from their theme songs Seb playing the guitar for her, so on
  • On their honeymoon - they went to Aruba
  • Eating cupcakes together
  • Sitting on a roof, looking for UFOs in the night sky (my personal favourite prompt <3)
  • Or really anything UFO themed
  • Hurt + comfort sorta stuff, especially related to Seb's backstory


Group Dynamic

They act like an old married couple, so lots of banter and (mostly) friendly teasing. They tell each other everything and are each other's confidants.

Cal's Dynamic with Seb

She can be a bit of a flirt and is not afraid of making a move - unfortunately for her though Seb is completely unable to pick up on her signals and didn't even realise what she was doing until she told him. This used to annoy her but now she mostly just finds it funny, and teases him about it frequently. She also worries about him frequently, moreso in the early years of his recovery, although she'd never tell him that.

Seb's Dynamic with Cal

He had a crush on her for years but didn't want to make her uncomfortable or risk their friendship so kept quiet about it until she finally said something. He loves her unconditionally and would do anything for her, up to and *allegedly* including maybe just sort of hiring a hitman. Allegedly.

Seb's Hiker AU

Their initial story is the same, but there are no babies and Seb leaves to go hike really far on the Continental Divide Trail after a year of them living together. During this six month trip he spends a lot of time thinking about what he wants in his relationships and realises he is very much in love with his best friend (Cal), which is. A little awkward for him. She flies out to the Canadian border to meet him when he finishes, and he asks her out that evening. Unfortunately for Cal he's definitely caught the hiking bug, and he proposes after fininshing the Appalachian Trail a few years later. Best place for information on that is here!

Fun Facts

  • They get cupcakes together after every AA meeting, since there's a bakery right next to the town hall that's open late on weeknights
  • They were actually in the same Spanish class senior year of high school, but they didn't know each other
  • Seb calls her 'Lilo' after the middle syllabl of her full name (Calliope)
  • Cal was flirting with him for like three years before they got together, and is eternally annoyed that he never picks up on it
  • They listen to TSRN (Truth Seeker Radio Network - they run conspiracy talk shows 24/7) daily and are frequent callers. Cal goes by Ghost and Seb goes by Anon.
  • They actually met first on the TSRN group chat/Discord, but it took their knowing each other in person for three years to realize it
  • Their favourite show is Skywatch Radio, which is hosted by their friend Buzz
  • They have two kids together, Hudson and Peyton


They met 8-ish years ago in a poorly attended hobby group for people interested in aliens known as the Third Kind Support Group (TKSG). The group, which met illegally in the basement of the local Baptist church, was busted by the police not long after Cal joined, but when she discovered that she and Sebastian lived in the same appartment building the two decided to keep in touch outside the structure of the group. She soon confided in him about her bad relationship and the two made a plan to leave the city (and him) together. About a month before they were supposed to head out Cal learned she was pregnant and Seb ended up in the hospital after a bad alcohol relapse, and following his release from rehab the two decided to leave as soon as possible. Although they didn't have a destination in mind when they started, when they ended up in Cody, Wyoming they both knew it was the perfect fit. They bought a home there and started dating not long after. She helped him through that recovery process and he supported her through her pregnancy, and while it was never exactly easy for either of them, their parallel hardships did bring them together even stronger than before.They got married when the twins were about 18 months old, and now enjoy a quiet life in their new community.







5'9 -ish


Profile Link
