Ryan & Kai



2 years, 9 months ago


Ryan & Kai







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Design Notes


  • Okay with...
  • Outfit Changes
  • Memes
  • Kissing
  • Not okay with...
  • NSFW
  • Extreme body horror
  • Stuff
  • Design Notes
  • Ryan has freckles all over!
  • Kai's earrings are preferred but optional
  • Stuff


  • Sitting on the dock in a marina - this was their first date!
  • Being absolute idiots
  • Kai trying to hint to Ryan to propose - go as crazy and funny with this as you want! He's gotten rather creative with his attempts.
  • Meme/joke art
  • Driving together - Ryan normally drives, and he has a red sporty convertible (design on his profile!). Would especially love to see them driving past the beach!
  • Anything having to do with crazy weather
  • Investigating paranormal stuff together
  • Domestic scenes - watching TV together, falling alseep on the couch, being gernerally cute
  • Ryan maid boy meme and a very amused Kai
  • Back in their college days! The designs are pretty much the same, but you're welcome to mess around with the outfits if you want (they both went to Yale!)
  • On a boat - Ryan is a seasoned sailor, but Kai is still a little uneasy on the water
  • Cooking together - cute and romantic or completely chaotic and a disaster both work! Ryan can cook, Kai... can't


Group Dynamic

Chaos. Absolute chaos. They're both idiots and when they're together that idiocy is magnified. They aren't a super lovey-dovey couple, just like really good bros who also kiss and cuddle sometimes. As paranormal investigators they're even worse, and whatever ghosts they do manage to find they probably scare off with all the noise they make. Sure, they have their tender moments, but mostly they're just really dumb, together.

Ryan's Dynamic with Kai

Ryan is happy with where their relationship is at the moment and isn't currently planning any majoy life changes such as, oh say, marriage. He'd be open to it, but it's not in the front of his mind.

Kai's Dynamic with Ryan

Kai, on the other hand, is looking for a bigger commitment, such as, I don't know, a proposal?

Fun Facts

  • They don't live together, but they spend a lot of time at each other's places. Ryan lives in a really nice beach house, whereas Kai lives in a thoroughly average apartment
  • Ryan does most of the cooking. He's tried to teach Kai, but it seems that ideas like 'spices' and 'not boiling literally everything' are a bit beyond some people
  • Kai has never seen the movie Titanic, and is very confused any time Ryan starts doing the 'I'm the king of the world!' pose on his boat
  • They work together as paranormal investiagators (as part of the Faircliff Paranormal Society) on the weekends! Although considering how loud they are, they probably scare all the ghosts away before they can catch them on film
  • Ryan is preppy and has all sorts of famous connections, whereas Kai is very much neither of those things and thinks it's okay to show up in sweatpants to a red carpet premier
  • I cannot stress enough how dumb these two are. There have been multiple times where they've both gotten haircuts in between dates and both failed to recognise each other when they met up again (it's not face blindness either, they're just, like, REALLY dumb).


They both attended Yale university, and met during sophmore year through a mutual friend. Kai was taken immideately, and it didn't take too long for them to get together. After college they started up the Faircliff Paranormal Society, of which they are the sole members. Kai has spent the last year dropping hints to Ryan asking for a proposal, but so far he hasn't had any luck. Ryan is just really really oblivious - he isn't opposed to marriage, but he probably won't think to ask himself.









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