Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This profile contains the following; please read before continuing.

◉ pastel gore / candy gore / soft gore (behind filters)
◉ light nsfw (behind filters), suggestive themes, clothing, & poses 
◉ LGBTQIA+ identities, genders, & sexualities
◉ mentions of anxiety, depression, and self harm
◉ mentions and depictions of smoking and drinking
◉ Swearing/ cursing/ crude language

Do Not Interact or continue if you:

◉ Are Transphobic, homophobic, enbyphobic, A TERF, or a general bigot
◉ Are a tracer, thief, copycat, or a content stealer in any form
◉ Are anti-BLM, Racist, a Nazi / anti-Semitic, A religion pusher, a pedophile, MAP, NOMAP, or zoophile
◉ Are going to be rude, hateful, disrespectful, or entitled
◉ Would be triggered by my profile content

Please also note:

◉ our profile is best viewed on desktop!
◉ We use a dark theme, so if you're using a light theme, some things may not be visible!
◉ none of our characters are for sale unless they are in the "OCs for trade/ sale" folder or we specifically state that they are! do not offer for our characters that are not for sale/ offer.
◉ Our commissions are open! Our requests are not. Art trades are open for digital artists of same skill level.
 We are sensitive, we have anxiety, and can have depressive episodes! please be patient and gentle with us.

This user's characters, art, stories, and other personal creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with the appropriate legal action.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!