


3 years, 3 months ago


basic info

species AmpWing

age 27

height 7'4"

build lean

pronouns he/him

gender male

orientation gay

occupation guard

voiceclaim Johnny Yong Bosch

value $40 // 4k dA points

resell/retrade? no

Energetic, optimistic, fiercely competitive, mischievous, playful, extremely loyal, a little reckless, kindhearted, cocky as all hell but a bit of an idiot. He means well. Tendency to get in trouble a lot, never really sorry about it.

A very brightly colored devil.


Ramiel was hatched in the middle of the night to a rather quiet, unassuming negative charge family. He is the youngest of four siblings, and is always trying to prove himself to be the best. In his pursuits he earned himself a rather negative reputation as a troublemaker. It's not like he actively tried to get in trouble, he just couldn't resist messing with people. He become well known in his small home town for being a prankster, ruffian, and general devil, however no one was ever able to catch him in the act, and he proved to be quite the convincing liar.

Dismayed at their youngest's behavior, his parents turned to a close family friend for help wrangling their child. The friend visited one night and promptly was soaked with a bucket of water the dragon had set up to catch his brother. Impressed at the kid's resourcefulness, the dragon agreed to take Ramiel to live with her in the palace. She would teach Ramiel discipline and restraint while tutoring Ramiel in being a guard. She spent close to 14 years tutoring Ramiel as her apprentice, showing him the basics of combat as well as teaching him the essentials. After his 14 year apprenticeship ended, Ramiel decided to stay at the palace and become a fully fledged guard. At first he was stationed closer to the palace, but with the amount of positive charge dragons in the palace, he was soon moved to the outer regions and given the job to check and approve any incoming negative charge visitors.

For the past seven years he's resided in his guard tower with a small grouping of negative charge dragons, discouraging any unwanted negative charge (and a few extremely aggressive positive charge) visitors from crossing further into the territory of the palace. He's prided themselves to be his squadron's ace, being able to take down dragons twice his size with ease. He really prefers fighting to detering, so it's the perfect position for him. Unfortunately, with his cocky attitude, he often leaves his post half an hour to an hour early on slow days to pursue his bird watching hobby.



  • birds
  • shiny things
  • precious gems
  • naps
  • fruits
  • flying
  • fighting
  • tormenting his siblings
  • playing cards

  • large bodies of water
  • snow
  • caves
  • bees and wasps
  • reading
  • passive aggressive conflict
  • lectures
  • escort missions
  • nighttime flying

  • birdwatching
  • napping
  • fighting
  • gambling
  • flying
  • sunbathing
  • weapon maintenance
  • stargazing
  • exploration

food lemons

drink lemon juice

color dark blue

snacks fruit

animal golden eagle

weather thunderstorm

music anything fast paced

Best Friend

Partners in crime and best friends. They used to live together in the same community, they still meet up regularly to fly around together. Raiden and Ramiel spend most of their time together exploring and documenting mountains together and taking long expeditions when Ramiel has time off. They've got a very serious and committed bromance.


Ramiel stumbled across Atlas while exploring the countryside one night. He made fun of Atlas for having no wings and called Atlas's prosthetic arms ridiculous. He got into a fight. Nearly died but won't admit it, now has a very powerful enemy along the Southern edge of the continent.


Ran into Angelo while exploring a bit of territory over the sea. Freaked out initially and nearly fell into the sea. Angelo managed to calm him down and they talked for a bit. Ramiel finds Angelo to be awesome, Angelo enjoys Ramiel's energetic nature. Ramiel brings Angelo shiny things and usually sneaks out with his electricity-supressing gear to spend some of his free days with the Driftling butler. Has a crush, will never admit to it.

Fighting Buddies

Found Hugo on a trip with Raiden and called him an old man. Got his ass handed to him, Raiden watched and laughed his ass off. Ever since then he regularly returns to Hugo's territory to demand rematches. Hugo humors him and gives him tips on fighting. Ramiel admires Hugo's fighting ability and thinks of him as a good friend.

The Boogeyman

Let's just say that Hugo's boyfriend did not take kindly to a kid attacking his boyfriend. Ramiel met Luca once, he nearly lost his head. He's terrified of Luca, Luca's become the boogeyman to Ramiel. His sleep paralysis demon is the icewing bountyhunter.



  • Negative Charge/small electric frill
  • Inside of mouth, nose, and blood are all yellow
  • Smaller wings/not a big wingspan
  • Smaller than average build (a head or two smaller than an average negative charge AmpWing)
  • Horns are dull
  • Two sets of large canine teeth on top jaw, only one set of canines on the bottom
  • Tongue is NOT forked
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