


3 years, 9 months ago


basic info

age 57

height 15'10"

build muscular

pronouns he/him

gender male

orientation bisexual(preference towards men)

occupation mercenary

value $25 // 2.5k dA points

resell/retrade? no

Hugo is a warm, loving, and sympathetic dragon. He's loyal to his friends and believes in giving everyone a chance, which has gotten him backstabbed quite a few times - literally. He's extremely protective and defensive of what he considers to be his and will go out of his way to ensure that nothing harms anything or anyone under his protection. The dictionary definition of a supportive himbo. He may be clever, but he's got little to no booksmarts to back him up. Very wholesome, makes every effort to understand those around him and their feelings and then works to make them feel as comfortable as possible around him.

He's a self sacrificing idiot who needs to be sat down and lectured on safety, though.


Hugo is the mutt of three (possibly more) types of dragons and is the rejected result of a breeding project that had set out to produce what was essentially the perfect killing machine. When he hatched, he was separated from his parents and locked in a prison cell, chained to the floor by shackles on his wrists and around his neck. As soon as his scales developed pigment and began to grow tough, he was extracted from his cell and given a tattoo, (it's carved into the side of his neck, the soft scales underneath recovered just enough to pigment it) of his identification number, "01407." He was to be given minimal contact with the guards after that fact. He would be dragged out of his cage at sunrise, be thrown into an arena and taught to fight until the sun set, where he would be fed and doused with water to "clean" him up. A lot of the larger scars on Hugo are from this learning period.

Upon maturing to adulthood, Hugo got a promotion. He became the Queen's secret executioner. The type no one is meant to know about. He was moved roughly out of his room on the dawn of his 13th birthday, and moved into a large icebox of a room. It was always kept dark, to hide Hugo shackled to the far end of the wall by way too many chains. In a cruel display of irony, the room was disguised as a guest room. Furniture and blankets that Hugo could never reach stood just far enough to conceal the true purpose of the room. Whenever someone would enter for "execution" the door would be locked and he would be set loose on the poor soul. Outside of these hours, two dragons always stood guard to ensure he never escaped, one inside of the room and one outside of the room.

That's when he met Luca. The IceWing was regularly stationed inside of his small cell, having been deemed too unsightly to guard any normal area due to a horn mutation. Hugo, naturally, took the opportunity to complain about his situation. Constantly. It only took two months of constant complaints of lonliness and cold for Luca to relent and entertain Hugo with small talk. It wasn't much, since Luca wasn't much of a talker, but Hugo was overjoyed at the prospect of finally having a conversation. They became reluctant friends, a relationship that would last for the coming two years. They formed a small bond of trust, with which came bad news.

Hugo's purpose in life had been rendered useless by the Queen. His executions were too far in between for him to be considered useful, and his pitiful cold resistance and weak fire breath made him more laughable than deadly. A new breeding program had been started to produce his successor, and once the successor hatched, Hugo would be used as a training dummy. Luca reluctantly relayed the information to Hugo one night. Hugo did not take the news well, falling into a period of hopeless despair where he refused meals and slept most hours of the day, waking only to kill his targets ruthlessly before falling back into his slumber. He soon became sick, contracting the flu from one of his targets. Luca, at this point, was rather sick of seeing his only friend in so much distress that he did the only thing he could do in the situation. During his shift, he crept across the room silently to a sleeping Hugo and unshackled him completely before returning to his post.

When Hugo awoke hours later to face a new opponent, he realized he was free. Immediately, he charged from the room, startling the guards outside (and Luca, to his dismay) before taking off down the hall. He broke through the palace doors and broke into flight, making his way all the way to the Kingdom of Sand, where he collapsed. He was found shortly after by a small family of Sandwings who took him in and taught him how to properly fly, hunt, and interact with people. He spent three years with his Sandwing family before he packed up and moved into the Skywing territory to settle down. Luca showed up at his door not long after. He'd been promoted to Bounty Hunter, and he had come to warn Hugo of the bounty currently set on him. Hugo, not wanting to lose his only friend, in a stroke of brilliance offered Luca a place to stay when he was away from the Palace. Luca accepted.

Luca and Hugo have been living together for a total of twenty seven years. Hugo confessed at the end of the first four. Luca had come home badly injured, having been clawed badly along his neck by an Icewing fugitive. Hugo, worried about his safety, sat at his side for three days, whispering to him over and over that he couldn't die and leave him alone. On the fourth, when Luca woke up, Hugo had been overjoyed and had immediately proclaimed his love, to both their mortification. Luca accepted. Around six years into their living arrangement, Luca brought back a hatchling, barely old enough to walk, and entrusted her to Hugo. Hugo, never having been good with kids, was understandably confused until Luca explained that she was his daughter, Phym. Hugo caught onto parenting real quick after that, and they've lived together as a family ever since.



  • fresh air
  • virtually any landscape
  • Luca
  • most wildlife
  • plants
  • small, cozy spaces
  • night flying
  • exercise
  • sparring

  • ice
  • being restrained
  • extremely cold places
  • complete darkness
  • bugs
  • stone rooms
  • being alone
  • being unable to bathe
  • his appearance(he finds himself too threatening)

  • flying
  • exploring
  • fighting
  • swimming
  • collecting furs
  • decorating his territory
  • hunting
  • spending time with Luca and Phym
  • cooking

food venison

drink apple juice

color orange

snacks bird

animal fox

weather sunny

music calm instrumentals


They're married in every way except for the legal way. They live together with Hugo standing in as a house husband most of the time. They've been together for 24 years and have a child together. He adores Luca with all of his heart and would do anything to ensure his husband safety and happiness. His hobby of hoarding furs and decorating his space came around due to his desire to make Luca feel at home and comfortable. Their shared space is THE most comfortable home a dragon can get without being born into the royal family. He learned to cook just to help Luca out.


Phym isn't Hugo's biological daughter, she's Luca's biological daughter. That fact doesn't stop Hugo from spoiling her rotten and giving her all the love he possibly can. He doesn't consider Phym to be his adoptive daughter, he just considers her to be his daughter. God help the poor soul who breaks Phym's heart, because Hugo takes the definition of Papa Bear and amplifies it.


Ramiel ventured into his territory one day and demanded a fight. Hugo won the fight easily, near laughably so. He saw the expression of pure and utter humiliation and defeat on Ram's face and decided at that moment to take the AmpWing on as a student. He's been teaching Ramiel new fighting techniques ever since.


Phym's biological uncle. He doesn't approve of two IceWings taking care of his niece and he hasn't been too kind to Luca. Hugo tolerates exactly nothing from him, and will more often than not get into nasty arguments or fights with him, generally over Phym. He hates Jackson for trying to take away his daughter and for berating his husband. If he wasn't Phym's uncle, he'd be dead.

Business Partner

A fellow mercenary and Hugo's most frequent partner on joint missions. They don't interact much outside of work, but Poseidon is making efforts to teach Hugo new things about the world around him, and Hugo's grateful for the opportunity.



  • Spikes are very densely packed along spine but fan out the further from the spine
  • Orange accents change color and vibrancy with mood, orange/happy is the default
  • Able to produce weak fire and venom
  • Two piercings on each ear and wing, mandatory
  • Wings are very tattered and body is very scarred
  • Fox is optional
  • Orange tattoo on left side of neck, "01407" partially scratched off, mandatory
  • Choker is optional but preferred (can be used to hide tattoo)
  • White markings on neck and wings are NOT vents
  • Two oversized canine teeth on each side, mandatory
  • Gums/tongue are the same color as horns
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