Rookie (Others)



10 months, 9 hours ago



  • Place for weird alternate versions of Rookie. Because they kind of grew to be their own characters with their own info, but are still inherently related to him for obvious reasons.
  • This counts AU material if I want but is mostly for those weird special cases.


  • "The Newbie", or just "Newbie": Orange hair, disgusting attitude, highly egotistical, trampy, and more! Considered to be the mirror version of Rookie (and uses his prototype name). Probably willingly part of a cult. He has weird seams visible on his arms and legs sometimes, almost like he's poorly put together, and his "rabbit ears" aren't the same color as his hair. Rookie and The Newbie haven't met in any official content yet, but if they did they would surely rip each other's hair out. I made that orange freak as a joke with a friend but got too attached.
  • "Homunculus Rookie": Small and horrendous, but silly looking. I have no idea why he exists, but he's covered in blue fur and has near constant violent tendencies. He isn't very talented. The Newbie also has his own version of this thing, which is pretty much equally as bad as himself, and just as orange. The blue one has been called "Isaac 2" and the orange one has been called "Newton." I'm not sure if these are their actual names or if they're just nameless. They can be 2D or 3D.