


3 years, 4 months ago


Wolfram is regarded as Theta-III's most shameful failed experiment and is never to be spoken of. The imposing android is the prototype of the "Living Weapon I" experiment conducted by Dimitri Molotov, where he was given an artificial consciousness emulating the one of a healthy organic mind alongside a robust body. Endowed, or rather, cursed with a healthy conscience and moral compass, he grew outraged by the atrocities taking place at the facility on a regular basis and devised a strategy to break out and free the test subjects in the process. The months of strategic planning resulted in a chaotic rampage where a number of test subjects were killed by Wolfram in his attempt to free them. As the research team tried to seize him, he severed Dimitri's limb and managed to escape the facility.

Although he regretted the mess his plan turned out to be, he was glad to be finally free. He proceeded towards the city and was excited to learn more about the outside world which he only heard of from snippets of the researchers' conversations. However, his first impression was far from what he imagined it would be. As a huge monstrosity never before seen, he was met with hostility, fear and outrage and was chased away from the city into the wilderness. He was as confused as he was frustrated, and after multiple attempts to approach the citizens in a friendly manner and almost being caught by the authorities, it dawned on him that he will not be accepted as a member of the society anytime soon.

In the following years, he spent his time in the wilderness while sometimes sneaking into the city to steal energy from a power supply. Tired of loneliness, he realised that Theta-III, the place he hated so much was the only place suitable for an android like himself and attempted to return to the facility only to be met with a surprise. There was another AI in charge of the facility going by the name "The Overseer", which denied him access, calling him a disgrace to the facility. After some persistance from his end, he was shot by the AI multiple times, destroying his face and chest, which finally chased him away. This caused a seething hatred for The Overseer who denied him a home and the idea of revenge rooted into his mind.

One fateful night when a desperate, wounded test subject by the name of Penny escaped from Theta-III into the city, he took the opportunity to kill The Overseer who was following closely behind, which he considered to have evened the score. However little did he know that this was only the beginning of a neverending rivalry...

Ever since he lives a bitter, lonely life hidden from the public's eye, yearning for a more enjoyable life.